Tuesday, 17 February 2015
  5 Replies
  5.6K Visits

Very nice extension, but if this is for displaying ads, why its not adblock proof? Almost every ad created via SocialAds is detected by the existing ad block tools!

The issue is you guys used "ad" (or alternatives: ads, advertisement, etc) in your CSS AND URL AND Folders! Please have a look at easylist for more examples. (FYI, "socialads" is in there too)

So naturally, I have to go in your code and change everything, even after each update! Here is my suggestion:

1)Avoid using any keyword resemblance of "ad" anywhere in the code! (The codes that would be served to user: CSS, JS, HTML, URL,etc; see easylist for triggering keys)
2)To make your extension bullet proof, let end-user selects his own term and use that

A) in back-end ask for folder to store images
B) use a variable for "adid", "adredirector" in url
C) Use a CSS builder that regenerates a working CSS from original one by replacing triggering terms with user submitted (ie use layout1_KEYTERMX_prev_img would be replaced (a search and replace) with user submitted term!)

Is it something that you guys would be interested to implement?
