Tuesday, 27 August 2013
  1 Replies
  3.9K Visits

I don't know if this have been reported already but could not find it anywhere in this forum! It seems there is a very important issue with the sef feature of Quick2Cart, we are not using any third party sef extension, only default sef configuration of Quick2Cart and the results are as below:

1. Browser title is showing only 'Products' and not at least the name/title of the product. We have configured our website to show our website name first and then the name of the current page, both the name of our website and the name/title of the product are not showing.
2. Same for categories, if I click on a specific category, the title of the category should show in the browser title, but again, I can only see 'Products' on the page title!
3. Products url are showing like this (index.php?option=com_quick2cart&view=productpage&layout=default&item_id=1&Itemid=516) which is very ugly, not sef friendly and not user friendly as well.

Should I create a ticket to work on this issue or is it fine to let it here as part of the bug reporting?