Saturday, 14 February 2015
  3 Replies
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I am working on setting up email beautifier for a client's website. The site does not allow user registration and all accounts are created by a site admin. I need to apply the email template only to the initial email that is sent out letting the user know their account has been created.

I have been through the documentation, checked the log file and tried to set the template up that way using the advanced option. What I'm finding is that the email applies to both the initial email sent out with the new user's login information as well as for password/username reminders or resets.

The template is very specific to new users and contains instructions, download links and a welcome letter. The site owner does not want that info attached to any other emails.

I made sure the template is not set as the default template. Is there a way to only use this template when an admin has created a new user?

I apologize if this has been covered but I could not find any discussion of it in the forums (not sure what to search for).

Thanks in advance.