SocialAds v3.4.1
Version |
3.4.1 |
Maturity |
Stable |
Release Date |
2021-07-15 05:30 |
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Changelog for SocialAds v3.4.1
Compatible with Joomla! 3.9.x, PHP 7.0.x, 7.2.x, 7.3.x, 7.4.x and PHP 8(at the time of release)
+ Features (1) -
- Feature #171496: Social Ads compatibility with PHP 7.4 and PHP 8
^ Bugs (9) -
- Bug #162005: Frontend > Manage Ads > Clear Filter button should be there.
- Bug #162339: Backend > Dashboard > Calendar is not displayed properly in Periodic Orders while selecting From & To date.
- Bug #162369: Backend > Create Ad > On disabling unlimited ads if there is only one campaign and payment option then it should be by default selected.
- Bug #162458: Make Payment - Apply coupon - select payment gateway - advertiser getting not discounted amount for payment.
- Bug #168945: Migration error displayed on changing the 'Advertising Wallet' payment mode to 'Pay per ad' mode.
- Bug #162402: Frontend > Sandbox site BS-2 > New created ads are not displayed and 404 error displayed in the console.
- Bug #162423: Backend > Campaigns > Filter by status published and unpublished is not working.
- Bug #72268: creating Ad>>Choose zone type dropdown is not working.
Compatibility at the time of release:
- Joomla v3.9.x, PHP v5.6.x, v7.0.x, v7.1.x, v7.2.x, v7.3.x, v8.0.x
- EasySocial v3.2.24
- Jomsocial v4.7.8
New Installation Instructions:
- Download the latest version of the SocialAds from the Techjoomla website
- Install the downloaded SocialAds using the Joomla Extension installer
Upgrade Instructions if you are upgrading from 3.4.x:
If you have overrides for email constant, please make changes in the administrator -> SocialAds -> Notifications Template and change notifications emails.
If you have not installed the MaxMind's GeoLite2-City.mmdb yet then follow the steps given below.
- 1) Login or create account on MaxMind. Click Here
- 2) Go to My License Key page and create license key if not created earlier.
- 3) Go to Download Files page and download GeoLite2-City gzip file.
- 4) Unzip or uncompress the downloaded file.
- 5) Place the file 'GeoLite2-City.mmdb' to location 'your_domain/plugins/system/tjmaxmind/db/'.