Version |
1.3.18 |
Maturity |
Stable |
Release Date |
2019-08-08 05:30 |
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Shika v1.3.18 Changelog:
+ Feature Added (1):
- #147636 Introduced Course Category Report.
- Bugs Fixed (61):
- #148634 API >> Courses >> filters[category] does not work
- #148577 Admin panel>>Question categories>>unable to change the status from unpublish to publish
- #148541 Lessons having set "shown in lesson library" and are not mapped to any course are not shown in the reports.
- #148448 Unable to upload any Audio files while creating a question
- #147999 User opens a lesson without enrolling to a course, redirects user to the same page when click on the course
- page link, in the message 'You need to enrol to course to access the lesson Click here to navigate to course page.'
- #147972 Manage enrollments backend>> CSV import>>If Assignment is added, we see two messages for enrolment and assignment.
- #147958 Viewing own answersheet when the lesson is Assessment Pending mode, the unanswered questions should show "Not attempted" and answered should show "Not reviewed"
- #147950 Manage enrollments backend>> CSV import pop-up>>, "click here to see courses" link , "click here to see groups" link, should open links in new tab
- #147947 clicking Close (x) on, test premise and thank you page should not ask for "Do you really want to close" alert
- #147845 Clicking on the courses menu with Specific category selected, and then clicking back on the "Courses" menu with No category selected, shows courses from the earlier menu
- #147775 Frontend> Quiz>> While moving from page 1 to page 2>> The page should scroll back to top.
- #147741 Admin panel >>Courses>>Notices coming on course creation page and integration tab
- #146971 Courses>> Select Certificate>>Improved the validation
- #146689 Admin panel>>Manage lessons >> Unable to edit lessons create at front end.
- #144610 Grammatical mistakes in Plan expiry message on course page.
- #144221 Payment checkout page > select gateway ->> Invalid field for not selection city which is not mandatory
- #144220 Buy course >> enter coupon code in coupon textfield >> Press enter button >> coupon view disappears
- #144052 Back end >> Attempts >> review /edit score >> edit score and enter 0, warning in alert "Incorrect format. Only numeric values are allowed"
- #144024 Access issue>>Registered users can launch a lesson in registered course without enrolling to the course
- #143720 Assessment view>> On using Toggle file preview button page gets loaded
- #143719 Mozilla - Toggle File Preview not working on Assessment view.
- #143011 Title missing for Assessment page.
- #142980 language fix in column name on the Assessment view.
- #142922 Assessment view>> Doc type lesson >> The system shows last page of uploaded document.
- #142918 The assessment page accessible to Registered user.
- #142887 On create lesson view in front end>>The buttons should placed at the left side
- #142875 Lesson Library - Display wrong format name for Audio/Video type under lesson format filter.
- #142777 Unable to see the name of submitter on the assess page
- #142726 Front panel>>Library view - Unknown tooltip occur for rightside count on the lesson view
- #142508 Course page -> The comment count does not get update on comment deletion.
- #142501 There is required sign missing for the options 'Assessment criteria' while createing exercise.
- #142340 UI issue with Abort button when done file uploading in lesson.
- #141733 Front-end file upload view>> The UI issue occur if we click on cancel button from the browse window.
- #141156 On the review quiz answersheet view-> The comment related to any option placed wrong.
- #140807 On the answer-sheet review page showing "incorrect" tag while it should be "Assessment Pending"
- #140667 Getting 404 for FAQ for "Documentation and Support" for backend
- #132668 Backend>>Courses>>Quiz>>Create section - cancel not working
- #132288 Front end>>Exercise >>Improved the UI of Loader in File upload type question.
- #130595 Front end>>Buy course>>Language constant is missing for "Billing VAT number" text box.
- #128466 Blank data is displayed for the last page for "add existing quiz" for the quiz section
- #119053 Getting a message “please select user to enroll” while recommending a course from frontend. Message should be "Please select user to recommend" for recommending the course from frontend
- #118836 Error in message displayed for enrolled users for course
- #116122 Question Bank>>Import CSV>>Validations are missing while importing Questions.
- #113797 Back end-->In 'Activities' & 'Attempts' module, keep the 'CSV Export' button text same like 'Reports' module
- #112691 Front end>>All courses>> Open any course, there is small vertical line is appearing
- #111037 Terms and condition for quiz should have close button also should open in new tab
- #110653 Attempt quiz>>check console>> network>> click on com_tmt&task=test.syncTime>> shows SQL error
- #110438 Check when session is out >>Front panel>>course landing page>> click on assign>> language constant missing
- #109934 Admin panel >>manage enrolment >> when no course is enrolled improved the message
- #107366 Front end >> create coupons >> message should be shown when there is no course available
- #104345 Telephone number validation on Billing Details page.
- #104300 Coupon successfully submitted. message should be change.
- #104093 Back panel >> Select Course >> view report >> column name missing.
- #103775 Front panel>>> When launch already exixting quiz >> shows warning>>COM_TJLMS_SAVE_ALIAS_WARNING
- #100156 There should be only one config for quiz pagination
- #82862 Backend > Courses > import CSV option is removed from "Courses enroll view pop-up" and "Add new Assignments & Enrollments pop-up"
- #69133 Backend> Dashboard> On collpased LHS menu, on hovering arrow it shows "Hide the taskbar" instead it should be "Show the taskbar".
- #65635 Admin panel>>Create lesson>> lesson name should be (test"'> ) with this characters but it convert to(test"'>)
- #148714 Backend> Quiz> Section title remains as it is even after clicking cancel.
- #148890 Image is not shown for lesson view if the lesson is created from the front end
- #148128 Not able to renew subscription for a paid course, if the subscription is expired.
Shika v1.3.18 - Release Notes
Compatibility at the time of release:
- Joomla v3.9.0
- PHP v7.0.x, v7.1.x
- EasySocial v2.2.5
- Jlike 3.0
New Installation Instructions:
- Download the latest version of the Shika component from the Techjoomla website.
- Install the downloaded Shika component using the Joomla Extension installer
- Once you have installed the latest version, browse to the Shika Dashboard and click on “Migrate Data”
- Save Shika configuration before using media with questions.
- Enable fileinfo php extension in your server, If you face any issue with media upload.
- After updating Shika, you will need to add zip files in the list of "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media component. To do this, go to Administrator >> Content >> Media>>Legal Extensions (File Types)
Upgrade Instructions:
Note: If you are upgrading from Shika version older than v1.2.10, read the following notes:
- Take a complete backup of your site using tools like 'Akeeba Backup' before installing or upgrading.
- Shika older version >> Upgrade/Install to 1.2.10 >> Then Upgrade/Install to 1.3.18
- Download the latest version of the Shika from the Techjoomla website
- Install the downloaded Shika using the Joomla Extension installer.
- The size of the package is about 18MB. Make sure the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size variables in php.ini file are set to the greater value than the package size.
- After updating Shika, you will need to add zip files in the list of "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media component. To do this, go to Administrator >> Content >> Media>> Add desired extension and save
Follow this If you are upgrading from previous version i.e. v1.3.17 of Shika
- Make sure you take a complete backup of your site using tools like 'Akeeba Backup' before installing or upgrading.
- Download the latest version of the Shika from the Techjoomla website
- Install the downloaded Shika using the Joomla Extension installer
- The size of the package is about 18MB. Make sure the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size variables in php.ini file are set to the greater value than the package size.
- After updating Shika, you will need to add zip files in the list of "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media component. To do this, go to Administrator >> Content >> Media>> Add desired extension and save
Backward Compatibility breaks in this release:
- HTML Overrides will break: A lot of the HTML in this release has been optimized and rewritten introducing structural changes and new elements on most of the pages. Any overrides you have done should be reviewed and redone for the extension to work correctly and to get the full benefit of new features. To see the new UI you need to remove your overrides.
- Moved the Auto Easysocial group creation under the course integration TAB as this was missed in the previous release.
- UI changes on Course TOC,Check out-Payment flow and Invoice page