Version 1.1.6
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2017-04-20 05:30
Unfortunately you do not have access to this file.

Task Done:     

        #99168 When lesson being edited and you upload new files for the format, an Old file gets removed.

         #101709  Shika Configuration >> Course Edit functionality as per ACL & Improved and Added permission.
Bug Fixed:
        #102200 Storage Cron >> Storage set to invalid even file exists.
         #102117 Backend> Reminders> Click on New. Getting notice for no selected content.
         #102112 Backend> Components> Shika> Courses> Click on 'New' >> Fatal error.
         #101243 Fatal error while launching SCORM lesson
         #50554 Registered user unable to access the public course.
         #43138 User can continue with quiz when the test/quiz is in progress, and if you unpublish the corresponding course from the backend.


In this version, we have fixed some bugs those were there in 1.1.5 and added two task. You can see them under Release notes tab.

Important Note:

We have removed View courses and Edit Own permissions.
We have renamed Manage Enrollments to Manage All Enrollments and View question bank to Manage All Questions.
Additionally, we have introduced three new permissions -
1. Manage Own Course Enrollments - With this permissions, the user can manage his own courses enrollments in the backend.
2. Manage Own Questions - With this permissions user can create and manage his questions.
3. Manage All Training Materials - With this permissions user can manage anyone's course material.
We have changed the behaviour of some of the permissions -
1.Create - With this access user can create/edit/delete all of his courses and material
2.Edit - With this access user can edit anyone's courses
3.Edit State - With this access user can change courses state
4.Delete - With this access user can delete anyone's courses.
Note: Permission which relates to "All" like 'Manage All Enrollments' and 'Manage All Questions', you should have access to respective "Own" access i.e.Manage Own Questions.


1 .Click on Migrate tables, Add indexes, Add reminders templates  button after installing the package.(mandatory)

2. The size of the package is about 12MB. Make sure the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size variables in php.ini  file is set to the greater value than package size.