Version 1.1
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2016-12-07 05:30
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Features added:

#75606 Auto generated Quizzes
#73407 Subscription renewal after expiry.
#81916 Event as a Lesson
#71701 Certificate Manager
#85851 Single Course Based Coupon
#71680 Single Course Menu
#35264 Course Assignment and Goals
#83872 Joomla article as lesson
#85469 Single Course Menu> while selecting courses only PUBLISHED courses should be available in the list to pick the course.
#81020 Manage enrollment backend start and due date filter for assignment
#78138 Answer shuffle
#78133 Question Shuffle
#76383 Link as Lesson
#71697 Dashboard widget for total ideal time
#71683 Online Events with Adobe Connect
#71679 Ideal time for lesson - core field
#71675 Module for courses that shows My Enrolled Courses and any courses from single/multiple categories
#45579 Support for Easysocial Fields in the Certificate
#35035 Support for Online and Offline Classroom/ Instructor Led/Scheduled Training
#34967 Show total time spent in course on certificate
#20502 User Group Filter for the User report
#89321 Count the Coupons attempt
#86101 Ability to compare the Ideal time with the total time sent for the particular lesson. 

Installation & Upgrade instructions

  1. Download the latest stable 1.1 and install it through installation manager. Installation may take a little longer due to package size.
  2. Go to Components >> Shika >> Dashboard
    • You have to hit the Migrate table button at least once. This will make the database compatible with 1.1. This is the mandatory step.
    • You will also need to hit "Alter indexes" button. This will help to improve the performance
      (Note : Sites with mysql version 5.7 and greater may face SQL errors after hitting this button. We are trying to find some alternative to add unique indexes for MySql 5.7 and greater. We will release package with the fix soon)
  3. Go to Components >> jLike >> Dashboard. Hit the Fix Database button. This is added to make jLike databse compatible with latest version of Shika.


Areas to be taken care of after upgrading the extension

  1. We have done some changes in the frontend lesson view. If you have  done overrides for lesson view, and view is not working, please check by removing the overrides. You might have to do changes again to make overrides work.