Version | 1.0.5 |
Maturity | Stable |
Release Date | 2016-09-20 05:30 |
Bugs Fixed
*88066 -On courses page on my Samsung s6 edge there's display issues in both landscape and portrait, I didn't have time to test a series of other devices.
*85329 -Currency symbol error for courses
*84375 -Jilke tool bar if move to bottom than it hides the navigation bar
*83899 -Backend> Extensions> Plugins> Document Viewer API> article linked to "How to configure Box API" should be having some steps. Now its blank.
*83260 - Question Bank> CSV import> there should be proper validation/ instruction for correct and incorrect answers.
*80816 - Backend> Quiz> Allows to add questions even when there are no questions in the Question bank i.e. no question categories present
*78783 - Admin panel>> Menu drop down list(LMS admin) and side menu bar are not in proper order(check screenshot)
*77507 Admin panel>> About shika>> techjoomla site link should open in new tab or there should be only image
*75765 Admin panel>> Options>>Course creation settings >> Characters limit for short description of create course should have minimum limit and should not be zero
*74958 Frontend> Create lesson> BOX API type formats> tracking is not working. Its status doesn't change, it stays "Not viewed"
*73635- Admin panel>>Course>>On Vimeo lesson preview show two verticle scroll bar
*77020- Backend > Dashboard - Displaying unpublished courses
*88648 -Fatal error >> when saving certificate
In this version we have fixed some bugs those were there in 1.0.4