Version | 1.0 |
Maturity | Stable |
Release Date | 2016-02-20 05:30 |
Issues Fixed :
#70417 Backend> Course> Lesson creation> Associate files> for the selected files delete buttons are not visible.
#70335 Backend> Create Quiz> Autopick Questions
#70094 Front panel>>Dashboard>>Log out>> 500 error
#69973 Admin panel>>Enroll user>>After enrolling the user gets fatal error
#69971 Backend> Courses> Enroll users> Getting fatal error while enrolling user to a course
#69928 Backend> Create lesson> Video/Audio> YouTube> URL validation is needed. If I enter a vimeo URL in youtube, it is accepting it.
#69921 Backend> Create lesson> Video/Audio> kPoint> If no file selected the message is showing "kPoint video not uploaded" instead it should be "kPoint video not selected".
#69920 Backend> Create lesson> Video/Audio> JWPlayer> If no file selected the message is showing "Jwplayer File is missing" instead it should be "Video missing".
#69919 Backend> Create lesson> Video/Audio> YouTube> Display a message that "Enter embedded YouTube URL" as we're supporting embedded links for now.
#69910 "Backend> On intalling package ""Lms_categorylist "" module is shown to be disabled, but in modules it is enabled. See screenshot."
#69694 Front panel>> Course landing page>>After liking the course,Code is being hard coded for user count and shows "3 more like" even after liking course
#69692 Front panel>>Launch Drag and drop lesson and check the jlike tool bar UI ,it is different than others
#69575 Frontend> Quiz> Thank you page > once the system time out happens, after that is you click on "X" button gets itemid=0.
#69573 Backend> Create Course> If course status is Unpublished while creating the course, make the "Enroll Users" button disabled in this case.
#69570 Backend> Courses> If an existing course state is changed from Publish to Unpublish, Unable to see the Enrolled users list.
#69567 Backend> Question Bank> Edit any question and click on "cancel", getting itemid=0 in URL.
#69507 Backend> Create lesson> Associated files> Click on select and select existing file and click in "Insert". Selected files is not getting displayed.
#69314 Frontend> Course> Launch lesson> Go to page source. form action "http://xxxxx/ndex.php" should be index.php instead.
#69125 Backend> Create Question> Comment field is marked as mandatory. This should not be mandatory.
#69039 Assigning a course email >> Incorrect content in email>> check description
#69034 Assigning a courseEmail : Course link in it not working,redirecting incorrectly
#68982 Backend> Courses> On deleting the assigned category, still it is visible on the courses page.
#68841 Frontend> Courses view> For a lesson I have set pre-requisites. Still I am able to launch it even if the pre-requisites are not completed.
#68718 Backend> Attempt Report> time under column "last accessed on" is showing wrong data.
#68702 Frontend> Lessons> Youtube video
#68699 Frontend> lesson view> Resume/start over pop-up "X" (close) button is not working.
#68612 Backend> Associated files> After uploading the file, the file is not visible in the Associated file list.
#68595 Front panel>>Course landing page>> TOC>> observe the pop-up ,UI is messed up,Check screenshot
#68464 Front panel>>Order receipt shows incorrect timing. check screenshot
#68431 Front panel>>Launch jwplayer lesson>>play/stop panel hides
#68382 Admin panel>>Courses>>Enrolled users>>Shows notices in place of link
#70419 Backend> Create lesson> Associate files> Uploading associate files the adding and deleting button's icon images are missing.
#70404 Front panel>> course landing page>> UI needs to proper>> check screen shot
#69617 Backend> Create lesson> Video/Audio > Kpoint> You can see a broken image on left hand side. Either show a image there or don't show anything.
#69580 Backend> Courses> Enrolled Users column> handcursor is missing while hovering the numbers.
#69515 Backend> Edit lesson> Associated files> Delete already selected files.
#69471 Backend> After installing package "Groupdiscussion" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69470 Backend> After installing package "Lms_tax_default" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69469 Backend> After installing package "Paypal" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69468 Backend> After installing package "Authorizenet" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69467 Backend> After installing package "Tjlmsblockregs" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69466 Backend> After installing package "Mailchimp" plugin appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to plugins and observe.
#69456 Backend> After installing package "mod_lms_course_display" appears to be "disabled" but actually its enabled if you go to modules and observe.
#69323 Front panel>> Recommended Courses page>> UI needs to be change for serach bar
#69321 Front panel>> Recommended Courses page>> Title size to be same as all the pages
#69137 Front panel>>Dashboard >> Click on course categories module>>Redirected to My enrolled courses>>its should redirect to Courses page
#68698 Frontend> Lessons> The resume/start over pop should be center aligned. see screenshot.
#68738 Frontend> Quiz> Result Page
#68725 Frontend> Quiz>
#68593 Front panel>>Course landing page>>TOC >>Shows notices
#68587 Front panel>>Course landing page>>notices are coming
#69882 Front panel>>Course landing page>>Click on the category >>UI is changes for ALL course page
#69040 Front panel>> Assign course pagination should be change as it shows old one
#68978 Frontend> Course view page> Module accordion arrow after collapsing is in white color. Needs to be of some color other than white.
#68928 Admin -panel>> Question bank>>Trash any question used in quiz >> shows notice and message ,remove message
#68748 Front panel>>Course landing page>> Recommended pop up>> Pagination bar needs o be change
#68385 Admin panel>>Orders>>click on order ID>> pop up does not have close button
This is the 1st stable release of Shika. There are total 40 + isues fixed from last beta. You can see them under Release notes tab.