
Version 3.0.0
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2021-04-14 05:30
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Quick2Cart V3.0.0 - Changelog 

- Feature (1) - 

  • #136504 TJ-vendors integration

- Fixes (2) - 

  • #170577 If stock is disabled from q2c config and min-max quantity is enabled then min-max check not applied on the checkout page
  • #169169 If 2 or more payment plugins are enabled on the site and only one payment plugin is configured to be used in Quick2Cart config then incorrect payment HTML is shown to the user
  • #163236 Admin -> Validation missing for Shipping method form on click Save and close button
  • #162590 CCK Integration Joomla Articles -> Quick2Cart section - the uploaded e-product file disappear after the edit
  • #162343 Shipping method form - validation missing for quantity field
  • #169499 Unable to create products from backend
  • #159306 Add/edit product - Alignment missing for Product image field

NOTE 1:- After updating to Quick2Cart V3.0.0 visit the Quick2Cart admin dashboard and click on the "Fix Database" button

NOTE 2:- From Quick2Cart V3.0.0 Fee configuration and Vendor Payout calculation will be done using TJ-Vendors. To configure the fee and to check the payouts site admin can use the Quick2Cart sidebar menu "Vendors" for new orders. For orders prior to upgrading to Quick2Cart V3.0.0 site admin can check the payout reports using the sidebar menu "Payout Reports" (There were some issues in payout calculation prior to Quick2Cart V3.0.0 for multicurrency stores, hence the site admins are advised to manually cross-check the payout amounts for the vendors)  

Quick2Cart V3.0.0 - Installation Notes

Compatibility at the time of release:

  • Joomla v3.8.13, v3.9.25
  • PHP v5.6.x, v7.0.x, v7.1.x, v7.2.x
  • EasySocial v3.1.4
  • Jomsocial v4.7.2

New Installation Instructions:

  • Download the latest version of the Quick2Cart from the Techjoomla website
  • Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation
  • Install Quick2cart Stable package. 
  • Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Upgrade Instructions:

  • Take a backup of any changes you have made to Quick2cart code/language files/view overrides etc.
  • Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before the upgrade
  • Install Quick2cart latest stable package. 
  • Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Basic Configuration after installation:

  • Go to Quick2Cart admin dashboard, click on the "Fix Database" button
  • Go to the Quick2cart option-> set different options according to your requirement and save the component options.
  • Also, Set different ACL permissions for the registered user from Quick2cart option->Permission tab (eg Create, Edit Own, Edit State).
  • Make sure you have enabled "System - Techjoomla - Assets Loader" and set all option to YES. This minimizes the Jquery conflicts.
  • If you are using Zoo component to create Quick2cart products, make sure that you are using the latest zoo version (greater than 3.2.x).
  • Create menu items for all the available menus