Version | 2.9.9 |
Maturity | Stable |
Release Date | 2018-01-22 05:30 |
Feature (1)
#107646 Cart item count module :- Module to show count of items in the cart with the link to my cart view.
Bugs (16)
#116978 Frontend :- view My Orders - Order search is not working
#118142 Frontend :- view My Orders - unable to download invoice PDF
#114611 Frontend :- view cartcheckout - 'Customer Note' not getting saved
#113835 If user is not logged in then redirect user to login page and show the appropriate message
#113670 On product creation page the category drop-down should be searchable
#111615 Frontend :- view My Products - Store owners unable to ordering to the products
#111461 Frontend :- view My Stores - Toolbar not shown on small devices
#110493 Notice on store creation page for image size
#109922 JomSocial points :- Points not assigned to user after creating store/product or product purchase
#109756 Easysocial points plugin not getting installed with package
#108463 No error message displayed if some error occurred while uploading the images.
#108024 Backend :- create products (CCK): Weight and length classes drop box are empty
#108008 ARS update not working
#105682 Product enquiry mail contains wrong link to the product
#101645 Frontend :- view cart checkout :- If 2 or more tax rate are added to the tax profile then only one tax rate gets applied
#118252 security fixes
New Installation Instructions -
Upgrading Instructions -
Basic Configuration after installation -