
Version 2.9.17
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2019-07-01 05:30
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Quick2Cart v2.9.17 - Changelog

- Bugs Fixed (15):

  • #146541 [Promotions] - Unable to remove a promotion condition from the promotion
  • #146538 [Manual order - frontend] - "Add address" & "Next" button are not properly aligned
  • #146523 [Checkout]- On cart checkout view, customer is able to update the product quantity to ZERO
  • #146517 [Confirmed order status mail to buyer] - The order URL in the order confirmation mail is non-sef
  • #145693 [Promotions - frontend] - Tooltip is missing for search box
  • #145692 [Product - edit]- Product image link is broken in the mail which is sent to site admin when user edit a product
  • #145684 [Orders - frontend]- "Pending" approval status is missing in the approval status filter
  • #145683 [Shipping profile - frontend]- Status filter is not getting set to default value
  • #145682 [Shipping profile - frontend]- Shows "URL Not found" when user tries to edit shipping method
  • #145681 [Shipping methods - frontend]- Confirmation is missing for tax-profile deletion
  • #145344 [Order]- If user has placed some order on the site and if he again places an order on the site with different shipping address then the shipping address of previous order is updated with the new order address.
  • #129424 [Promotions - frontend/backend]- All records should be shown in descending order by default
  • #129024 [Q2C manual order view- frontend]- "Add New Product" takes user to a page with non-sef URL
  • #128427 [Product Title Character Limit config - backend]- Product Title Character Limit configuration is not working
  • #125728 [Cart Module-frontend]- After changing the currency user is taken to wrong URL

Quick2Cart v2.9.17 - Release Notes

Compatibility at the time of release:

  • Joomla v3.8.13, v3.9.8
  • PHP v5.6.x, v7.0.x, v7.1.x, v7.2.x
  • EasySocial v3.1.4
  • Jomsocial v4.7.2

New Installation Instructions:

  • Download the latest version of the Quick2Cart from the Techjoomla website
  • Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation
  • Install Quick2cart Stable package. 
  • Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Upgrade Instructions:

  • Take a backup of any changes you have made to Quick2cart code/language files/view overrides etc.
  • Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before the upgrade
  • Install Quick2cart latest stable package. 
  • Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Basic Configuration after installation:

  • Go to Quick2cart option-> set different option according to your requirement and save the component options.
  • Also, Set different ACL permissions for the registered user from Quick2cart option->Permission tab (eg Create, Edit Own, Edit State).
  • Make sure you have enabled "System - Techjoomla - Assets Loader" and set all option to YES. This minimizes the Jquery conflicts.
  • If you are using Zoo component to create Quick2cart products, make sure that you are using the latest zoo version (greater than 3.2.x).
  • Create menu items for all the available menus