Version | 2.9_Beta |
Maturity | Beta |
Release Date | 2014-10-19 05:30 |
Installation and Upgradation Guide
We are Pleased to announce Invitex 2.9_Beta
Important note that This is just Beta so Install it on your test site only. Do not intsall it on live site
A) If you are installing
1) Please install Invitex Package
2) After installation Click to Complete Invitation Config
3) Mainly Please Select Allowed Invitation Methods that you want
4) For Social and Email Plugin Settings Click to set up Techjoomla API plugin
5) We have assetloader pluigin in Invitex which loads jquery and css. Please enable open it once and save it.
6) If you face any javascript issues. You can try different combinations in assetloader plugin and save it
B) If you are upgrading from older version to latest version.
Note that We have removed config view from backend all the configurations are moved now to standard option in backend of Invitex
1) Please install Invitex Package
2) After installation Click to complete invitation config
3) Please complete your configuration as per old settings and save it once again
4) We have assetloader pluigin in Invitex which loads jquery and css. Please enable open it once and save it
5) If you face any javascript issues. You can try different combinations in assetloader plugin and save it
Easysocial Integration Guide
If you need to integrate Invitex with Easysocial. We have 4 different APPs for Easysocial
Now you can Invite people on Easysocial Group,Easysocial Event, Easysocial Profile.
1) For this in backend open Easysocial=>Apps
You need to search 'invitex' You can see these 4 apps
Event — Easysocial Invitex APP to Invite For Event
User — Easysocial Invitex APP to Profile
Group — Easysocial Invitex APP For Group Invite
User — Easysocial Invitex APP
2) Now you need to add these APPs from frontend
Hello Guys,
We are pleased to announce release of Invitex_2.9_Beta. In this version we have made following changes.
Important note that This is just Beta so Install it on your test site only. Do not intsall it on live site
Here are some awsome features that we introduced.
#28431 Use Improved layout for (gmail like) contact for name and email.
#28480: Clickatell sms support and also addeed backend template for sms integration.
#31917: Easysocial APP for Event,Group,Profile Invitex.
#32004: Include easysocial toolbar in invitex view. Also override easysocial Invite by Ivitex Invitation.
#32465 New Dashboard improvement in backend to show data invitations.
#32466 Invite Stats report in Backend.