Version | 2.9.7 |
Maturity | Stable |
Release Date | 2015-06-16 05:30 |
Bugs Fixed :
#47125 Selected contacts count not updated when more contacts are loaded using load more button
#46882 Import contacts - Load more button not working
#46874 Frontend : Contacts import - Make check box select-able when we click on respective email-ids
#46619 Adding one or more domain names in allowed domains config breaks javascript
#46541 frontend : Invitation for guest users - If name column is empty then also showing message 'invalid captcha'
#46464 frontend : Warning on front end
#46460 frontend : After sending invitation to unsubscribed email-id, we are not able to send further invitations.
#46235 Cron : On cron execution error for CB 'Notice: Undefined variable: itemid in libraries/techjoomla/jsocial/cb.php on line 62'
#46165 Backend: view config and types - Tags name and descriptions are hard coded
#46164 Backend: view:config and types - Add 'JOIN' tag in the tag list
#46026 Backend: If invitex integration is set to joomla then also we can see JS/ES toolbar
#46020 Backend: Invitex not integrated with easysocial then also parameter 'show tool' bar is set to yes
#46008 Warning on cron page for twitter short message (Check attachment)
#46007 Site link twitter message showing in from text instead of link
#46002 Backend: Techjoomla API plugins - parameters 'label and description' language constants are missing
#45963 Backend: Techjoomla Gmial plugin - change label "Enter Gmail application key" to "Enter Gmial client id"
#45702 Guest Invitation : Email invitation shows error on cron execution
#45698 Backend: view- types : form is not proper
#45618 frontend : Unsubscribe success message should be in green color
#45603 frontend: view resend url stats - move Back to invite home buttton to right and format table using bootstrap
#45601 frontend: view resend invites - move Back to invite home buttton to right and format table using bootstrap
#45499 Backend: view templates - Add note for twitter message
#45498 Twitter: change default invitation message (Make it short)
#45458 Jomsocial : Join link for events and groups in email gives fattel error
#45423 Invite anywhere : Easy social group invitation - Refreshing page forcefully logout's user
#45157 In invite anywhere [INVITER] tag not getting replaced
#45156 Default message is previewed if Invitex is used as Invite anywhere (it should preview invitation type message)
#45093 Backend: Icons missing on landing pages of submenus
#44776 Frontend : invite statistics page - table alignment issue
#44679 backend : view invitation types (error message disturbing menu alignment)
#42676 Language constant missing INVITER_PROFILE
#41758 SQL error "table techjoomla_API" users not found
#41751 Notice: Undefined property: InvitexViewInvites::$invite_apis in com_invitex\views\invites\view.html.php on line 59
#41428 Alpha user points not getting added for onAfterInvitesSent
#40204 Clicking on Easysocial notification Invitation just refreshing the page
#39868 preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in components/com_invitex/models/emogrifier.php on line 79 Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated,
#39258 Successful message display before unsubscribe
#38368 Tags not getting replaced in template
#38345 Backend: Activity stream integration - unable to remove the activity streams options
#38338 Backend: view templates - success message hides the information on page
#37965 Sql error for fetching emails have quote e.g xxx'[email protected]
#35508 Warning: Creating default object from empty value in components/com_invitex/helper.php on line 200
#35506 Notice: Undefined property: InvitexViewInvites::$invite_apis in components/com_invitex/views/invites/view.html.php on line 37
#35412 Batch size : Is not work as per description
#33585 Backend : invitation stat logo is missing in submenus .Refer the screenshot
#33472 Unsubscribe notification - the succesfull unsubscription message come 1st even we didnt click on unsubscribe button
#33466 Frontend: send invites view - partition line should be their to separate invitation type list
#33368 Change the position of "back to invite homepage" button to right side
#32246 Message should be change about notification (js messaging)
#29434 Frontend: Check if friend_count0 in the Invite statistics
#22024 Frontend: Invitex tabs are not displayed when Invitex is shown on after login
#18610 CSV Validation: To display error message
#16935 TechjoomlaAPI Plugins giving strict errors
#16824 Backend: view dashboard - should not allow to set, From Date greater than To Date.
#16280 Allign radio button of point system integration inline
#16279 show pagination shpwn in top right corner if Joomla version is >=3.0
#16273 integration of payplans with "registration by invitation only"
#12446 EMAIL FOOTER - shows - This message was intended formanoj_l . Add space between *for and emailid*
#12437 Email subject - Spelling is wrong - Invitaion to join the
In this release we have fixed mant bugs from version 2.9.6. You can vie full change log in the Release notes tab