Version 2.9.5
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2015-01-05 05:30
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Changelog :
Bug #36373: 
Fatal error: JRegistry object can not be used as array in modules/mod_inviters/mod_inviters.php
Bug #36351: Not able to install Invitex. Site goes blank while installing.
Bug #36264: Spelling mistake in jomsocial rule Give points to inviter when invitee registers on site using" Invitaion"
Bug #36088: If SEF is set, LinkedAPI gives 404 OR blank page after getting redirected from getRequestToken
Bug #35911: Invitee accepted notification not being sent to CB
Bug #35700: Manual Invitations not working in Easysocial Invitex Apps(getting js error undefined funtion tokenfield() in console)
Bug #35827: if site is set to SSL, user gets logged out from site, after getting request token for the API plugins
Bug #35835: JS - if inviter has no image set, in email no images is shown for [AVATAR] tag
Bug #35837: Clicking on the APIS icons, user gets redirect to home page
Bug #35910: Invitex backend- Option,submenu,filters,search does not work if caching is enabled
Bug #35912: lang constant missing for INV_MAIL_SUBJECT
Bug #35919: Backend Inviters view - The From date, to date, fliters float on the screen

If you are installing for the first time

  • Please take backup of your site before installing package on your site
  • Please install Invitex Package.
  • After installation Click to Complete Invitation Config.
  • Mainly Please Select Allowed Invitation Methods that you want.
  • For Social and Email Plugin Settings Click to set up Techjoomla API plugin.
  • We have assetloader pluigin in Invitex which loads jquery and css. Please enable open it once and save it..
  • If you face any javascript issues. You can try different combinations in assetloader plugin and save it.

If you are upgrading from older version to latest version.

  • Note that We have removed config view from backend all the configurations are moved now to standard option in backend of Invitex.
  • After installation Click to complete invitation config.
  • Please complete your configuration as per old settings and save it once again.
  • We have assetloader pluigin in Invitex which loads jquery and css.
  • Please enable open it once and save it. If you face any javascript issues.You can try different combinations in assetloader plugin and save it.
  • Also We have moved all images in templates to Your_site/media/com_invitex so you need to change paths of all images in backend If you are upgrading from older to new version.
  • Easysocial Integration Guide:
  • If you need to integrate Invitex with Easysocial.

We have 4 different apps for Easysocial.
Now you can Invite people on Easysocial Group,Easysocial Event, Easysocial Profile.
For this in backend open Easysocial=>Apps You need to search 'invitex' You can see these 4 apps
Event — Easysocial Invitex app to Invite For Event
User — Easysocial Invitex app to Profile
Group — Easysocial Invitex app For Group Invite
User — Easysocial Invitex app
Now you need to enable these apps from frontend