Version | 2.9.10 |
Maturity | Stable |
Release Date | 2016-05-16 05:30 |
v2.9.10 Changelog:
+ #78176 Updated integration with AltaUserPoints(AlphaUserPoints)
+ #65791 Frontend view invites - Added badges to all steps
+ #59692 Backend - Configuration to turn ON and OFF invitation logs
+ #55259 Added config in back end for redirecting to InviteX after every new users first login
+ #55196 Added Registered count as new column on top inviters view
+ #53238 Add option to post a post on wall for points earned by inviter and invitee
+ #31586 Router for Invitex
Bugs Fixed(37):
- #78616 Frontend - view Invites(Look & Feel Original InviteX) - Icon for invite via URL is missing
- #78312 Frontend :- Notices for undefined variables on invites view (Add friends tab)
- #78311 Frontend :- Notice for undefined variables on cron execution
- #74710 Frontent :- view invites - sql error on invites page
- #74006 Facebook invitations not working
- #68091 Frontend :- Invite via URL not working for new users
- #67202 Frontend :- view name-card : Js error on namecard view
- #66963 Frontend :- view invites - Notice for undefined variables while importing contacts from twitter (if there is no contact to import)
- #66231 Frontend :- view Namecard : Name card used on other site shows "Log-in error message"
- #63401 Backend :- view config - Improve tooltip for 'Push When New Friend from Imported Contact Joined'
- #61095 Frontend :- view invites - Skip button not visible after user registration
- #61066 Frontend - Tags not getting replaced for article as custom landing page in Invite via URL method
- #59694 Backend - view config - notice for missing invitex.css file
- #59495 Frontend:- Invitation stats:- On list view it shows mobile number instead of email id.
- #59492 Frontend:- Invite Anywhere module:- Click on invite button first time then warning occurs.
- #59349 Backend:- Dashboard view:- Icon missing for dashboard
- #59252 Backend:- Dashboard view:-If we enter character instead of date in date range then error occurs
- #59250 Backend:- List view:- Extra Gap between menu and list view
- #59248 TechjoomlaAPI - ClickATell :- Parsing error.
- #59242 Clicatell - SMS invitations not working for US long numbers
- #59208 Frontend :- Invitation stat:- User not logged in then In message Y should be capital.
- #57986 Backend :- view config - extra paragraph is added each time we save the template configuration
- #57962 Frontend :- view invites - message preview not working
- #51511 Frontend :- If invitation is set as part of integration then "Skip button" does not appears after registration"
- #51290 Message preview :- Notices for undefined variables
- #51042 Frontend : Notice for undefined variable on JGive invitation message preview
- #50865 Message preview for JGive ;- Tags not getting replaced
- #50704 invitex - JGive integration : Facebook invitation for JGive throws error of invalid link
- #49161 Frontend :- Load easysocial language file in invitex for easysocial tool bar
- #47580 Frontend :- If guest invitation is turned off then redirect guest to login page
- #46656 Frontend :- Unable to send internal message in easysocial
- #38362 Invitation for event -> event name is not getting displayed in email
- #35386 Jomsocial points not working as per description
- #35377 Backend :- External link should open in new tab
- #12472 Improve text for 'activity steam'
- #79188 Config:- Global setting:- Automated Reminder Settings:- Alignment is not proper
Compatible with Joomla 3.5.x and PHP 7