Version 2.3.1
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2011-11-25 05:30
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#8956 : Fatal error: Class 'cominvitexHelper' not found
#8992 : Facebbok  API plugin showing  an error to provide a security captcha 
#8991: The link given in Invitation Using URL ,when used in browser ,is redirecting to a page that just says 'Please login to invite your friends,instead of allowing to register.
#8973: Fatal error:Can not redeclare class orkut in 'orkut.plg.php'
#8955 : Can not Import Contacts using Csv upload in Other tools
#8994: The notification after the install contained some php code i.e, Invitex-Invite Anywhere Module installed); ?>
#8993: "link to API keys" is not shown in orkut API plugin