Version 3.1.12
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2018-09-25 05:30
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SocialAds v3.1.12 changelog:

+ Features(1):

  • #128141: Changes related to the GDPR compliance
    • Site admins can now set "T&C 'Joomla content article id' for 'Ad Creation'' form
    • If set by the site admins, the Ad creation form now can let the users' to provide their consent to accept the 'privacy policies' of the corresponding site
    • All the consents of the users will then be saved in '#__tj_consents' table, in the database

- Bug fixes (5):

#122195 - Incorrect wallet balance on user dashboard
#124313 - Security fixes
#132102 - Made Ad UI responsive
#133891 - Missing language constant for email subject and body
#133931 - UI defect when user uploads video for an ad
#134021 - Displays "NaN" error on create ad page at frontend

SocialAds v3.1.12

  • This involves changes corresponding to the GDPR compliance and a few bug fixes

If you are upgrading from an older version, go through the following steps after the upgrade:

  1. After upgrading, go to "Update sites" section in the administrator area
  2. Delete the records that correspond to SocialAds
  3. After deleting, click the rebuild button