Version 2.8.1
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2012-11-10 05:30
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Change Log:

Bug #12808: Notice: Undefined index: priority_random in /components/com_socialads/adshelper.php on line 98
Bug #12892: many errors in settings view on install of 2.8 package
Bug #12896: alert pop up on selection of Ad type "affiliate"
Bug #12897: checkbox "Skip Social/Demographic Targeting" is shown to user.
Bug #12898: for paybyOrder & paybyCheck Comment and the Contect address on seen in the order mails
Bug #12984: JS TypeError: document.getElementById("context_target_data[][keywordtargeting]") is null
Bug #12985: input checkbox displayed in h3 is affected by template
Bug #12986: errors in module and in settings view
Bug #12992: JS TypeError: document.getElementById("context_target_data[][keywordtargeting]") is null on Update Ad page
Bug #13045: correct itemid not fetched when used promote plugins
Bug #13176: targeting tab seen even if all targeting config is disabled
Bug #13187: Custom Priority not seen in settings view (see desc)
Bug #13216: 500 db error on Ad update
Bug #13218: two update buttons seen for ad
Bug #13246: zone drop down not seen on create Ad view
Bug #13273: quick registration page URL not sef
Task #13046: use CRoute for correct item id for Jomsocial Promote plugins