
Version 2.0.2
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2017-05-10 05:30
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Changelog For JGive 2.0.2


#101718: After translation of JGive component from the English language to the another language then country, state, city dropdown options should translate in the specified language


#103356: After translation of component into another language at creating/editing a campaign city, region id is showing 'undefined' and not loaded.(Ticket #16554).

#102679: At frontend site, an admin has not published even a single menu, and registered user creating a campaign from the frontend after saving campaign getting  404 error.

#100596: Frontend at the campaigns dashboard view donors image are not showing.

Upgrading Instructions:

- Please, take a backup of any changes that you have made to JGive code/language files.
- Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before the upgrade.
- Install jgive_v2.0.2_d8733b0b.zip


New Installation Instructions:

- Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation.
 - Install jgive_v2.0.2_d8733b0b.zip


Compatible with Joomla!  3.x, PHP 7.1

Follow detailed installation & upgrade instructions here


- To download this package you will need to login to the site and also your subscription must be active.

- We won't support Bootstrap 2 and JSN Fidem bundle

- Subscribers that are using JSN Fidem bundle on their site are advised not to install this version of JGive(jgive_v2.0.2_d8733b0b.zip)