Running Google Adsense or Other Affiliate network ads with SocialAds
One of the great advantages of SocialAds is that you can have Google Adsense or any other Affiliate Ads run alongside direct Ads submitted on your website. This is especially useful when you are just starting out and do not have your own customers directly buying ads from you. In this situation, it can help to have ads coming from bigger networks which can start a revenue stream for you. As you get more direct advertisers, you can reduce 3rd party ads.
Setup Google Adsense or affiliate Ads within SocialAds :
Setup the Zones to Accept Affiliate or Google Adsense Ads
Go to the SocialAds backend and edit or create the Zone in which you want to accept Affiliate Ads in. In the Zone form you can see an option that says 'Affiliate Ads'. This option should be switch on if you want that zone to support addition of Google/Affiliate Ad code. Note that as of now only Text and media type zones support Affiliate ads. You should make sure that your Image dimension settings under this zone match what your ad code is expected to output.
Adding Ad Code from Google Adsense or other networks
We only allow Super admins to add Google adsense or affiliate ad code to zones. This is to ensure any advertiser can't abuse this feature and ad their own ad code. To ad the code you need to follow the normal ad creation procedure in the frontend or the backend as applicable.
When you create the ad, enter the Ad title, Url and image as any dummy content and use the Ad body area to add your adsense code. Now save the ad. The Affiliate Ads should start appearing in the module that's configured for that zone.