General Settings

Cache Settings

Enable Cache - This will cache the Ads for the time period. This improves the performance for fetching Ads.

Set Cache Time(in Seconds) - The Ads will cached for this amount of time


System Settings


Load Bootstrap Manually - If you set to 'Yes' then bootstrap CSS file will be loaded.

Load jQuery UI - Set to 'Yes' only when geo targeting is ON at your site.

Working with different Bootstrap versions - Setup Instruction' link to know how to setup bootstrap version.


Automated Processes Setup


Set Cron Key - This is the private key for cron which will be used to authenticate the below two cron urls.

Single Cron Url for Weekly Stats Mail and Archiving Stats - Cron URL to send Weekly Stats Mail and Archiving Stats

Cron Url to Clean Unused Images - Running this Cron job will delete all the unused images from the SocialAds image upload folder.


Statistics Settings


Archive Stats - The stats for all the ads will be archived when the cron URL runs

Maintain Stats for These Many Days - The stats will be maintained for the entered days

Send Weekly Stats Mail - The weekly stats mail will be sent to all the advertisers giving them a summary of how their ads have performed

Introduction Text for Weekly Stats Mail - This is the introduction text which will be appended to weekly stats mail sent to all ad creators


Live Updates

Download ID - Enter your Download ID to enable Live Updates




Default permissions used for all content in this component.

Manage the permission settings for the user groups below. See notes at the bottom.