SocialAds. Powerful Advertising Solution for Joomla Websites with a Social Touch
SocialAds is a full fledged Advertising solution for your Joomla based website. With Social integrations for leading extensions like JomSocial & Community Builder, SocialAds allows you to let your advertisers do demographic targeting for their Ads & target any user segments on your site. Inspired from Facebook's demographic advertising, this ground breaking piece of software allows you to monetise your social network very easily.
From version 2.5 onwards SocialAds can be used for any Joomla website & not just Social Networks. With the ability to optionally include Social Integration, SocialAds can now be used to easily monetize any Joomla website.
With its intuitive Ad Builder SocialAds makes it a breeze for advertisers to get their Ads designed online & running in no time while you sit back & watch the cash flow in :)
SocialAds Feature Overview
For Administrators or should we say, Publishers ?
- Configure SocialAds to integrate with Plain Joomla, CB or JomSocial
- Configure Social Targeting & decide which fields to allow advertisers to target their Ads to. Intelligent Targeting manager helps you chose fields for targeting as Fuzzy for larger fields & Exact for shorter fields like City. Plus offers date range, numeric, single & multi select & text fields as well.
- Optionally Setup Geo Targeting
- Decide which Pricing options to make available : Pay per Day, Pay per click & Pay per Impression
- Allow Ads to be sent via Emails with J!MailAlerts
- Decide Pricing on a global level for all these options
- Fraud Prevention features to avoid fraudulent clicks & impressions
- Set Thresholds for email triggers
- Configure various Zones with their own Custom pricing, Ad types (Chose from Image, Text & Image & Text only) , Dimensions & Text limits to fit the various module positions you have on your website.
- Install Layout templates to use with Zones to get full flexibility in how the Ad is laid out. With this flexibility you can create any number of varied Ad types. The only limit is your imagination !
- Decide if you want to let users Ignore Ads & give feedback on why they ignored it.
- Ability to moderate Ads by setting admin approval to yes
- Manage Ad Orders & Manually approve offline payments.
- Create & offer discounts on Advertising by a full fledged Coupon Manager.
- Multiple Payment Type support ( also extendable via plugins). Currently Supporting :
a. Paypal
c. Pay using JomSocial points
d. Pay by Check
e. Pay by Purchase Order - Enable optional promotion plugins to allow users to create Quick Ads of content they have on your website.
- Admin Revenue Dashboard
- Profile Type Targeting plugins - Native & XIPT
- JomSocial Groups Targeting Plugins
- Show Estimated reach - Ability to display the estimated number of people your Ad will reach, depending on the targeting chosen. Admins, if the site is new you can offset this amount from the Admin.
- Send Advertisers a Weekly Reporting email via cron
For Advertisers
- Select whether to create a Text, Image or Text & Image Ad. ( Since ver 2.5)
- Target their Ads to be shown in specific Zones.
- Create their own ads & see a live preview.
- Chose from Ad lay outing options to control how their Images & text are laid out. ( Since ver 2.5)
- Chose to Advertise a Website or something they have on your Site like Groups or a SOBI listing using promotion plugins ( Since version 2.0 )
- Chose if they want ads to be seen by Guests ( Since ver 2.0 ) or be Socially Targeted
- Admins can create ads without paying from the front end.
- Chose Targeting by fields like Gender, Country, Interests etc.
- Extended Targeting - JomSocial Groups, Profile Types via targeting plugins
- Geolocation Targeting
- Chose if they want to
a. Pay per Click OR
b. Pay per Impression OR
c. Pay per Day (Since ver 2.0) - Pay Online using from an array of payment methods.
- See Stats of how the ad is performing with cool graphs.
- Edit their Ad & Re-target if needed
- Top up their credits to make sure the Ad does not stop running
- Receive email notifications when credit balance falls below a certain amount.
- Get Weekly Email Reports
How can it benefit you as the site Owner ?
Now that you have built up your site with care & have a lot of traffic & Activity, its time for you to start earning money from it. With SocialAds, you get to implement a proven strategy that Facebook already uses to monetize. With SocialAds, you have the ability to show targeted advertisements to your users as well as target the "Guest Traffic" to your site . With SocialAds's ability to target by Demographics & in fact by any JomSocial or CB fields, Users get only ads that are relevant to them & tend to click on them.
SocialAds is completely automated. Once you set it up, advertisers can come online & target their ads as needed. If they wish, from version 2.0 on even Guests on your site can be shown ads. All you have to do is setup the targeting correctly , setup the per click, per impression & per day costs you want to charge & you are done ! If you want Ads can be moderated by the Admin Approval feature. Plus from version 2.5 onwards with Zones & Zone pricing introduced, you can use the available real estate on your sites even more effectively & charge more for premium space !
As one of our customer says "Allowing people to place their own ads, and select their demographics with no involvement from me! My sites earn money while I sleep. How could anyone NOT like that??? "
How can it benefit Advertisers ?
With SocialAds, you give the control of their Ads to the Advertiser.
- They control what the ad contains & how it looks.
- They control how much they want to Buy.
- They control which users they want to reach out to thereby utilizing their money to its full potential.
- They can see direct stats of how their ad is performing
- They can pay online & get the ad live immediately. No sending you emails.
- If they wish, they can also reach out to Guests on your site.
With so much control, advertisers are much more comfortable advertising on your space, than they would be with a conventional banner ad. The extension is built to be simple keeping the end users who will advertise, in mind. Just designing their ad & seeing how it looks, makes them want to advertise !
If you are a Joomla Developer & want to extend SocialAds, we provide an awesome API to let you extend SocialAds in various ways.
- Targeting API : Extend the targeting in SocialAds using targeting plugins
- Promotion Plugin API : Make it easy for users to promote content they own on your site. Write promotion plugins
- Payment Plugin API : Write a custom payment gateway for SocialAds
More documentation on this is coming soon. But our existing plugins in this space are well commented & you can use those as a base to write you own ! Make sure you let us know what you have written & we'll highlight it on our site :)
Watch a video of How SocialAds works :