How to add missing cities in SocialAds Geo Targeting

We use a decent database of cities in SocialAds however from time to time we find that some are missing. This documentation will show you how you can add missing cities in your installation of SocialAds. Please also make sure you let us know about missing cities as well so that we can update it in upcoming releases. 

You will need access to your database via a tool like PHPMYADMIN

Find the country code that you need to update the cities for

Run the following query in your db admin tool

FROM `#_ad_geo_country` 


Here YOUR_COUNTRY is the country to which you want to add cities to . From the result set copy the `country_code` for eg CA in case of Canada. 

Insert the Cities you Want

Goto #_ad_geo_city table and insert the city you want to add with `country_code` = CA . ( In place of CA put your country code from step 1) Your insert query should be like below.

INSERT INTO `#_ad_geo_city` (
`city_id` ,
`city` ,
`country_code` ,


Here YOUR_NEEDED_CITY is the city you want to add. NOTE: replace # with your database prefix.