User Documentation

Know Your Dashboard

To access the LMS core area, go to Components, LMS Admin.

The LMS Dashboard in the administration area is the best way to get a quick glance at various critical metrics of your LMS like the number of courses, students, pending actions as well as a quick look at the learning activities across the LMS, top students and popular courses. A menu on the left side of the page will show the administrator’s menu.

Get your Organisation right with Course Categorisation

Categories can be used to better organise your courses and make them easier to discover for your LMS users. You can either make a single level category structure or choose to do nested categorisation depending on the kind of content you have.

Creating your First LMS Course

Our Drag and drop course builder makes it very simple for you to create your courses. Before diving into creating courses, lets first understand the course structure.

Understanding the Course Structure

A Course in the LMS is divided into various modules. Modules are simply containers that hold your lessons which are your actual learning material.

A typical course structure is shown below.

HTML 101 (Course)

-Know your Elements (Module)

--Structural Elements (Lesson)

--HTML Attributes (Lesson)

--HTML Headings (Lesson)

--Basics Test (Quiz)

Let's get started!

The following steps will take you through creating and configuring your course, adding training material to the course and enrolling the first users in the course.

Create your Course

Once you logged in to the admin area, go to the courses menu. Here you should see the existing courses in the system. Click on New. You should come to the course creation form. 

Fill out the course title, short and long description and pick the course category and image that you wish to use. Select the start date, access level you wish to allow the course for and the organisational tags for the course. Once you are done, Save and close. This should bring you back to the course list view. You should see your course in the list there. You should see a button against the course. Click on it and go to manage training material to open the course management interface.

The Drag and Drop Course Management interface.

The first thing to do in the interface is to create the modules into which your lessons will be structured. You need to create at least one module before you can start creating or uploading lessons. Click the Add Module link to add your modules. 

Once your module is created, you should see an Add Lesson and Add Quiz button against the module. ( Note that some features mentioned in the documentation might only be available in the beta version)

Creating Lessons

Basic Details

When you select Add Lesson, you will be presented with a Form where you need to fill some basic details of the course like Lesson title, description and an optional image. 

Specifying the Number of attempts will let you restrict students to only get a certain number of attempts to that course. Setting it to 0 means unlimited attempts. The attempts grading option will let you decide how the student is graded across multiple attempts. You can choose from highest score attempt, the average of all attempts, the first or the last attempt.

The Eligibility Criteria lets you set one or more lessons or quizzes in the course as the prerequisites for attempting this particular lesson. This feature lets you create custom Learning paths that your students will need to follow instead of being able to access all contents of the course at once.

If the admin has allowed paid courses in the system, then you can choose if you want this course to be considered as a free sample in a paid course.

Finally, you can choose if this lesson should be considered for the overall passing of the course or not.

Lesson Format

Clicking on next or switching to the Lesson Format tab will offer you a choice of lesson formats depending on the version of your LMS. The full list of supported formats is SCORM, HTML5, Video, Text and Media, TINCAN,  Documents, Live etc. 

Create your lesson or upload it using the tools available against each format. Once you are done, save the lesson.

Associate Files

In the final tab which you can get to only when you have uploaded or created and saved your course, you can upload multiple associated files that you can offer as reference material or teachers notes for the lesson

Creating Quizzes to Assess your Students

If your version of LMS supports Quizzes, you can add an existing Quiz or create a new one using the menus offered. Its recommended that you create Quiz Question categories and add questions to the Quiz Question bank before creating Quizzes for faster quiz creation.

When you click on Add Quiz, you will be given an option to add an existing quiz or add a new quiz. Let's see now how each of these flows works

Adding an existing quiz

When you select the option to add a new quiz, a modal popup will be shown listing all quizzes created in the past. You can select a quiz from the list to associate with your course.

Adding a new quiz

When you select ‘add a new quiz’ a basic form similar to the add lesson one will need to be filled out. The Time limit tab will need you to configure the time-related settings. In the Score and Result tab, you need to define how many marks the quiz is for and what is the passing score. Finally in the last tab which is ‘Add Questions,’ you will get to add your questions to the quiz.

Here you will be presented with 3 options. The Pick Questions option will let you manually pick questions to be added to the Quiz. Clicking on it will open a popup where you can use the search and filters to find and add questions you want. 

The Auto-Pick Questions option will let you set multiple rules based on which we will automatically populate your quiz. After getting the bulk of the questions in this automated manner you are free to tweak by adding new ones manually or removing ones you don't want.

Finally, if you don't want to use any questions from your Question bank, you have the choice to use the Add New Question option to add new questions that get added to the Quiz and also get automatically entered into the Question bank.