Shika: Reports

This section shows various reports which can also be download as a CSV file. Following are the list of reports available in this section.


Attempt report

This report shows all the attempts made by the users for the available lessons/quizzes. You can filter these attempts by Status, Lesson/Quiz name, Username and Course name as shown in following screenshot.


Course report

This report shows statistics and details of various aspects of a course i.e., Course name, Type, Access, Category, Lesson Count, Enroll Count, Pending Enrollment, Completed Count, Like/Dislike Count, Comments and Recommend Count. User can filter these reports by course Id, course name and course category.


Lesson report

This report shows statistics and details of various aspects of the Lessons i.e., Lesson/quiz name, Course Name, Username, Start Date, End Date, Attempts Allowed, Attempts Done, Time Spent, Status, Score, etc. You can filter these reports by Lesson/quiz Id, course name, username and course category.


Student course report

This report shows details of students activities with respect to each course. Details that can be seen here include Course Name, Course Category, User ID, Username, Certificate term, Date of enrollment, Completion % and Time Spent. You can filter these reports by course name, course category, userID and username.


User report

This report shows user wise statistics of enrolled courses, courses pending for enrollment, completed courses and incomplete courses. You can filter these reports by User Id, name, username and email.