Shika: Course category


Course categories provide you the means of sorting your courses as per your needs. With multi-level categorization, you can sort your courses in a single level structure or a nested structure as per your requirement. Additionally, the user can sort the courses as per his requirement on the front end as well.

In the listing layout as shown above we are having the following columns:

  • Status: strong>Indicates if a category is published OR unpublished. Also, lets you toggle publish status.
  • Title: strong>Title of the category, if you click on a particular category title it will redirect the user to edit the category information.
  • Access: strong>Here we specify the access criteria for the particular category, available access levels are public, registered, guest, special user and super admin
  • Language: shows category ID

The category creation is similar to Joomla’s default categories. To create a new category go to the Course Categories and click the green button labeled “New” () Fill in the required fields and click on one of the Save buttons. ()

It has 4 different tabs shown below:



  • Title: Add category title
  • Description: Enter an optional category description in the text area.
  • Parent: Select a parent category.
  • Status: Set publication status.
  • Access: The access level group that is allowed to view this item.
  • Language: Assign a language to this category.
  • Tags: Assign tags to content items. You may select a tag from the pre-defined list or enter your own by typing the name in the field and pressing enter.
  • Note: An optional note to display in the category list.



  • Created date: This option will automatically select the date on which the category is created.
  • Created By: This option will automatically select the logged-in user.
  • Modified Date: This option will automatically select the date if there is any modification done in the category information.
  • Modified By: This option will automatically select the logged-in user who is making any modification.
  • Hits: Number of hits for the category.
  • ID: Category ID
  • Meta Description: An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines.
  • Meta Keywords: An optional comma-separated list of keywords and/or phrases to be used in the HTML output.
  • Author: The author of this content.
  • Robots: Robots instructions.


Manage the permission settings for the user groups.



  • Alternative Layout: Use a different layout from the supplied component view or overrides in the templates.
  • Image: Select or upload an image for this category.
  • Alt-Text: Alternative text used for visitors without access to images.