SMS Plugin Configuration

SMS Notifications


SMS Configuration


SMS Plugin setup: Here the Configuration for SMS Plugins to send SMS Notification to the customer. After clicking on 'Setup SMS Notification' button It will redirect to SMS Group Plugins for configuration. 

There are 3 SMS Plugins 

For Activation of SMS NOTIFICATION Required to configure  2 plugins one is Quick2cart SMS plugin and another SMS Gateway plugin which you want to use for SMS either Sms-Horizon or Clickatell. These both are common SMS Gateway.

Quick2cart SMS :

Quick2cartSMS config


This is SMS Plugin for Quick2cart system. This Plugin works like connector between the component and the SMS Gateway Plugin.

a) Select SMS Sending options: Select from the available SMS gateways.You will need to configure the SMS plugins for selected gateways as required in the Plugin configuration.

b) Select order status : Select order status for allowing to sending SMS to the customer.

Sms - ClickATell : 

Clickatell config


This is a ClickATell plugin for sending SMS to the customer. This is a Global SMS sends Plugin Anyone uses easily in his product. This is common SMS Gateway Plugin. 

1. Get Your Keys From Here: This link gives information for How to configure Techjoomla-Click-a-tell API if the user is newly using this.

2. Click-a-tell UserName: Enter Click-a-tell UserName getting from Clickatell site after creating the account on that site.

3. Click-a-tell Password: Enter Click-a-tell Password getting from Clickatell site after creating the account on that site.

4. Click-a-tell API-ID : Enter Click-a-tell API ID getting from Clickatell site after creating the account on that site.

5. Source Address : Enter valid international format number between 1 and 16 characters long. Entered number must be registered within your online account and approved by click-a-tell before they may be used. Mobile originated numbers rented from click-a-tell do not require approval"

6. Mobile Oriented : This parameter is only used when a message is sent to a handset and a reply is expected.<hr> PLEASE NOTE: This parameter is only valid for users who have signed up and paid for our two-way messaging service of click-a-tell.

Sms - Sms Horizon


This is an SMS horizon plugin for sending SMS to the customer. This is a Global SMS sends Plugin Anyone uses easily in his product.

 1. Enter User Name: Enter User Name getting from the SMS Horizon site after creating the account on that site.

 2. Enter API Key: Enter API key getting from the SMS Horizon site after creating the account on that site