Setting up Quick2Cart Modules

he Quick2Cart comes with various modules to help you setup your online shop. This article will walk you through the various types of Modules available for Quick2Cart and their key options.

1. Quick2Cart - Cart Module

This module is pretty important & you will want to set it up one way or the other on every Quick2Cart site you build. This module shows the user's cart items & allows him to proceed to checkout. 

Key Configuration options  

Module -> Checkout link Text

You can decide what you want the checkout link text to be with this parameter. Checkout, Complete Payment etc are some examples. 

Advanced -> Alternative Layout

Here you can choose which layout you want to display "Short" or "Default"
Short Layout is to display compact cart view.
Default Layout is to show detailed cart view.

2. Quick2Cart - Category List Module

Module to show the Category list from Quick2Cart Component


3. Quick2Cart - Product Display

Quick2Cart - Product Display Module to show the Products from Quick2Cart Component. You can make a copy of this module and change Behaviour mode option to display Featured Products, Recently Added Products,Top Seller Products, Recently Bought Products.

Module options

No. of products to be displayed: Number of product to display

Behaviour Mode:  Allow to change Behaviour module to Featured Products, Recently Added Products,Top Seller Products, Recently Bought Products.

4. Quick2Cart - Store Display

Quick2Cart - Store Display Module to show the Stores from Quick2Cart Component.

Module options

Limit: Number of store to display

Behaviour Mode:  Allow to change Behaviour module to Store List, Latest Store, Best Seller Store

Display View Type:  Let you choose store list in "Block" or "List". If you select Block view then store images will be displayed instead of the simple link list.

5. Quick2Cart - Filters Module

This module displays filters which can be used to narrow down the product search. Filters shown in this module are dependent upon the category selected.

Module options

Apply Module size: Allows you to fix the size of the module. E.g. if you have many filters, then the module size will gradually increase depending upon the filters, to avoid this you can fix the module size and filters will appear with a scroll.

Module Size:  This is used if "Apply Module size" is set to Yes. You can set a maximum size of the module in pixels.

6. Quick2Cart - Search Module

This module displays the search box. Using this module, user can search products from all the categories depending upon the search keyword provided.

7. Quick2Cart - Cart Count Module

This module displays the count of items in the cart and link to My cart view.

8. Quick2Cart - Auto Search Module

This module displays the auto search box. Using this module, user will be able to search products on basis of string character, related entered character list of item names are appending in dropdown pattern. For example User added input as only 'Lap' then it will show Laptop Bag, Laptop, Laptop Cover etc.

Module Options

Number of Products to Show : This field indicates that number of item name will display in dropdown

9. Quick2Cart - Location Module

By using this module, we take buyer address for shipping purposes

Module Options

Default Address : Add here default address. If user have not added any address then for shipping will take the default address.

Default City : Add here default city. If user have not added any city than for shipping will take the default city.

Default Pin code : Add here default pincode. If user have not pincode any city than for shipping will take the default pincode.

Google map API key : Add Google API Key

Select Country : Set default country