Quick2cart with Bootstrap 2 or 3 front-end template

How to use Quick2cart with Bootstrap 2 or 3 templates

We have provided the Bootstrap-2 or 3 support for Quick2cart's front end views. By default, the front end view is in Bootstrap-3.

Make front-end view in Bootsrap-2 format:

By default Quick2cart's front end view are in Bootstrap-3. To work with bootstrap-2 layout- You will need to add bootstrap-2 view in override folder.

  1.  Go to backend->Quick2cart options and change option “Bootstrap” option to “Load Bootstrap-2”  and save the Quick2cart's options.

 By default all front end view are in Bootstrap-3To support "Bootstrap-2", you have to add bootstrap-2 view in templates override folder.
 Manual Setup Instructions:

Override the front-end view:
a. Go to YOUR_SITE/components/com_quick2cart/view_bs2/site/ and copy all views from this folder.
b. Go to your current site template.
    Lets say your template is protostar, then go to  YOUR_SITE/templates/protostar/html/ and create folder com_quick2cart if not exist. And add all copied view 

Override the modules:
a. Go to YOUR_SITE/components/com_quick2cart/view_bs2/modules/ and copy all modules from this folder.
b. Go to your current site template. 
    Lets say your template is protostar, then go to  YOUR_SITE/templates/protostar/html/ and past the copied modules in html folder.

Override the plugins:
a. Go to YOUR_SITE/components/com_quick2cart/view_bs2/plugins and copy plugins folder.
b. Go to your current site template. 
    Lets say your template is protostar, then go to  YOUR_SITE/templates/protostar/html/ and past the copied plugins in html folder.


Automation Instructions:

For Bootsrap-3 site:

  1.  Go to backend->Quick2cart options and change option “Bootstrap” option to “Load Bootstrap-3”  and save the Quick2cart's options.
  2.  By default all front end view are in Bootstrap-3.  So you are ready to work with bootstrap-3 site.
  3. (Optional Step) To load or unload bootstrap.min.js file  - Go to plugin manager, and search for "Quick2Cart - System Plugin" system plugin and set the option according to your need.