API to create order in Quick2Cart

Function to create order


Function Signature :-  qtc_place_order($orderData)


This function is used to create/update order


Parameters  : 1) $orderData

This function will take input as an object with following object data.


  1. $orderData->userId -> This variable stores the id of user against whom order is being created. For guest checkout userId will be “0”.

  2. $orderData->currency_code : (Optional) : 3 digit currency code. Current session currency will be used

  3. $orderData->address-> This parameter should contain object of shipping and billing address. Shipping and billing address should contain all the information in object format as given below.

Shipping/Billing Address :

[id] => address Id

           [user_id] => User against whom address is stored

           [firstname] => First name of user

           [middlename] => Middle name of user (Optional)

           [lastname] => Last name of user

           [vat_number] => Vat number (Optional)

           [phone] => Contact number of user e.g 978546254

           [address_title] => Title for address (Optional)

           [user_email] => User email-id

           [address] => Address of user

           [land_mark] => Land mark for given address (Optional)

           [zipcode] => Postal code for the address

[city] => City name            

[country_code] => Country code

           [state_code] => State Code


Response :

This method will return status inform of object for order being placed.  

OrderStatus  =>status = error/success

message = error message

order_id = Order id if order successfully created




stdClass Object
     // ‘products_data’ should contain all the information of products in order
    [products_data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [store_id] => 1
                    [product_id] => 2
                    [product_quantity] =>
// ‘ att_option’ should contain array with key as attribute id and value as selected attribute option 
                    [att_option] => Array
                            [5] => 
                            [2] => 7
                            [6] =>             // Empty if attribute is not selected
                            [4] => 9



    [userId] => 380
    [address] => stdClass Object
            [shipping] => (Only if shipping is enabled)
            [billing] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 1
                    [user_id] => 380
                    [firstname] => ankush
                    [middlename] => (Optional)
                    [lastname] => Maherwal
                    [vat_number] => 12345678901
                    [phone] => 1111111111
                    [address_title] => Office
                    [user_email] => ****@***.***
                    [address] => Office no 6, Silver Fern
                    [land_mark] => (Optional)
                    [zipcode] => (Optional)
                    [country_code] => 99
                    [state_code] => 1362
                    [city] => Pune

    [coupon_code] =>Array
                    [0] => “SALE”
                    [1] => “BIGSALE”
                    [2] => “FREE”


Function to add/update shipping charges against order




For order level shipping


    [allowToPlaceOrder] => 1
    [charges] => 30
    [detailMsg] => 
    [order_shipping_details] => {"allowToPlaceOrder":1,"charges":"30","detailMsg":""}


Function to apply/update tax charges against order


Function Signature :- qtc_apply_taxes ($taxDetails, $orderId)

Function Signature :-  qtc_apply_shipping($shippingDetails, $orderId)

$orderId  => order id
$shippingDetails =>

For item level shipping
    [allowToPlaceOrder] => 1
    [charges] => 71.46     // Total shipping charges for all products and their respective units
    [itemShipMethDetail] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [item_id] => 2
                    [methodId] => 1
                    [name] => express
                    [totalShipCost] => 34.2
                    [plugMethRateId] => 1
                    [product_attributes] => 4
                    [product_attribute_names] => color:green
                    [client] => qtc_default_zoneshipping



$orderId  => order id
$taxDetails =>

stdClass Object
    [charges] => 0
    [orderTax] => 0
    [itemsTaxDetail] => Array
// Array index for tems 
            [0] => Array
                    [item_id] => 2
                    [taxAmount] => 185.08
                    [product_attributes] => 4
                    [product_attribute_names] => color:green
                    [taxdetails] => Array
   // index as tax rate id
                            [2] => Array
                                    [taxrate_id] => 2
                                    [name] => service tax
                                    [rate] => 2.000
                                    [amount] => 26.44
                            [1] => Array
                                    [taxrate_id] => 1
                                    [name] => vat
                                    [rate] => 12.000
                                    [amount] => 158.64

