Setup Mapping fields for Twitter

 Firstly create Twitter api read this doc

 step 1)Go to twitter plugin configuration in backend. Here are fields for profile import.


In backend configuration of twitter  plugin you will see there are two parameters

1)Mapping Fields For Jomsocial

2)Mapping Fields for Community Builder


1)Mapping Fields For Jomsocial


This contains the information about which fields in Twitter will be mapped with Jomsocial.

Here are the fields that are supported for linkedin coppy this to backend Twitter plugin(TechjoomlaAPI group) in Mapping Field For JomSocial[For ProfileImport]


Enter the Jomsocial Field Code in left hand side of '=' and Twitter fields on right hand side of '='

Note That every mapping field is seperated by newline. 

You can get Jomsocial Field code in backend configuration in custom field tabs.In screenshot given below Field code copy to  left side of '='




here is the link to the list of API fields which are returned by Twitter. Copy these fields on right side of '='


Mapping Fields For Community Builder

This contains the information about which fields in Twitter will be mapped with Community Bulider.

Enter the Community Bulider Field name  in left hand side of '=' and Twitter fields on right hand side of '='

Note That every mapping field is seperated by newline.

You can get  Community Bulider Field name in backend configuration in of Community Builder->field Management  .In screenshot given below copy  Field name on left side of '='
