Achieving a campaign donation / investment goal within the decided time is of prime importance. Now to overcome this challenge promoting the campaigns is vital. With this new campaign promotion feature, viral invitations using Invitex asking people to donate/ invest in your campaign can be sent to people, resulting in an improved rate of donation / investments.
Please follow setup steps
1. Make sure that you have installed JGive & Invitex latest packages.
2. Enable 'JGive-Invitex integration ' plugin from Plugin manager.
3. If you haven't setup & used Invitex before then please go through the Invitex documentation.
4. Once you done with Invitex setup then open Invitation type 'Invite your Friends to view this Campaign' from Invitex backend
Go to site backend => Components => Invitex => Invitation type 'Invite your Friends to view this Campaign' Â & do the changes if you want but please don't change 'internal name'.Â
5. Now check the campaign details page, you will find 'Invite friend' button.