This is the place where admin can see campaignwise report for donations/investments received,total commissions against a particular campaign and other details.
- Name: Indicating the name of campaign
- Campaigns Creator: The name of the campaigns creator, his/her paypal email that he/she has entered at the time of campaign creation & username.
- No of donations: Total no. of donations received against the campaign
- Total donation amount: Total donations amount received against the campaign
- Total amount excluded: Total amount excluded is a sum of all amounts which are directly transferred to campaign promoter's account when 'Send Payments directly to Campaign Promoter' is set to Yes
- Total commission amount: The total of commission amount calculated for particular campaign.
- Total amount to be paid out: The amount to be pay for campaign creator = (total amount) - (total amount excluded)-(total commission amount).
- Paid: The amount which is already paid out (distributed) to campaigns creators.
- Amount remaining to be paid out: The total amount to yet to be paid out (distributed) to campaigns creators.