Invitex Statistics Dashboard

Statistics & the Dashboard

  • This will show you the users who have sent out invitations depending on date and the session.
    It will also show if the invitation sent out during that session was accepted or not.
    The Dashboard view gives you a quick look at how invitations are performing on your site.
  • You can filter the invitations sent by User & by Provider.







Invitations Sent

This data will show the people the e-mail ids to whom invitations were sent out and if they were accepted or not. You can filter the invitations sent by User & by Provider.




Configuring the Plugins

Invitex System Plugin

This plugin should be enabled. Optionally you can also use it as an alternative to cron if you enable that setting in the Invitex configuration. The settings available here are as below :

: Set after how many minutes send email function should run. Time will be in minutes. Default is 60.