Invitex Email/PM templates

Design  HTML template

We offer a WYSIWYG Editor ( Uses the editor as per global config setting in Joomla) to help you customise your email template. Common Customisations are adding your site colours & logo. Make sure you use inline CSS in styling this as Emails will not support external stylesheets. From version 2.0 onwards, we provide integration with "Emogrifier" to make the email more compatible with email providers by converting all CSS to inline in case it is not.

Using Replacement Tags to Personalise your email

You can use replacement tags shown below in the screenshot to personalise your mail to add the Inviter's Name, Avatar etc. In the future many more tags shall also be supported.

The PWIU Tag.

This allows you to show "People Who have Invited you earlier " in the invitations email sent. In case the user hasn't accepted, he can see which all users have invited him to date. Facebook & Orkut have a similar feature. This is sure to increase invite acceptances.

People  Who have invited you

PM for individual invitations

Twitter text


Design REMINDER Template:

Admin can compose the Reminder template in this view. Reminder templates will be used as a content of the Reminder Emails. All the replacement tags available in HTML template are made available here for you to customise the message better.