Ads created via SocialAds can now be sent via Emails generated in Email Beautifier(EB).
In order to show Ads in Email, we need to use 2 plugins-
1. JMailAlerts Integration - System Plugin (plg_sys_jma_integration) - This plugin is auto-installed when you install EB. You just need to publish/enable it once before use.
2. SocialAds for J!MailAlerts(jma_socialads) - This plugin is included in the SocialAds package & is installed automatically when you install SocialAds. Make sure this plugin is enabled to use it with Invitex
Setting up the Invitex template to show Ads from SocialAds
Step 1:
.Enable "JMailAlerts Integration - System Plugin" plugin and configure it as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 2:
Enable "SocialAds for J!MailAlerts" plugin and configure it as you want.
Step 3:
You need to insert a data tag as shown below in your email template.
The Data tag for SocialAds is as below
In the Data tag, you need to specify
a. zone (Zone ID ( You can find this in the Zone Manager in SocialAds component configuration) ) as shown above.
b. num_ads (number of Ads) you want to show.
c. create=1 will show the create Ad link in the email
You can also opt not to pass any params at all. In that case, default params set in the plugin configuration shall be used
You can use this tag for as many times in the newsletter as needed in the appropriate positions configuring it with the correct zone id. That's it! Now even your emails shall be monetized! Ads in Emails support impression & click tracking just like your regular ads!