Version | 1.0 Beta 1 |
Maturity | Beta |
Release Date | 2015-05-05 05:30 |
Bugs Fixed:
#38922 Unnecessary extra line is shown on Pin
#37376 Recommend: needs loader after clicking on recommend button
#34899 Course details page> Recommend course :: Validation is required, If user does not select friend name & click over the RECOMMEND button
#39713 In "Course" -> "VieIn "Course" -> "View Report" menu, the total-completed-incomplete usw Report" menu, the total-completed-incomplete user counters show the wrong count; there are 2 users who completed the course, but the "completed" counter still show 0.
#37346 Courses Landing:: UI issue with search & records per page drop-down
#38998 All Courses landing page:: Search & drop-down has very poor UI
#35163 My Dashboard>Activity>All Activities :: Notice: Undefined variable: text_to_show in /home/aasim/httpdocs/lmsbeta/components/com_tjlms/views/activities/tmpl/default.php on line 108 - 5 minutes ago Notice: Undefined variable: text_to_show in /home/aasim/htt
#34834 My Dashboard:: View All option shouldn't be there, If there is nothing to display [refer screenshot]
#34452 Course list view :: Warning message is getting displayed , when we redirect to course list view from Dashboard through course block [Read Description]
#37374 Dashboard:: Filter should be reset, If we redirect to course list view from dashboard [filter should be applied on course list view]
#35582 My Dashboard> All Activities :: UI issue with number drop-down, number is hiding.
#37712 Crate lesson:Associated files :: Hide the 'upload files' button, if there is no file to upload
#37682 Create Lesson view:: There are 2 spelling mistake in Tooltip
#29071 Help view in backend
#33661 Create Lesson :: Provide facility to Un-select lesson under Eligibility criteria option
#34835 My Dashboard:: My Liked Courses List is not getting updated , If we dislike the liked course
#33625 Course List View :: Show tooltip on 'Open manage training material' , 'enroll user' & 'view report' option on Hover
#33662 Create Lesson :: UI Issue on create lesson page [Radio button & text are getting overlapped]
#34571 Course List view :: Pop-Up is not responsive- There are 3 option, but only 2 are visible at the bottom of the page [refer screenshot]
#35049 All Courses::Alignment issue with search text field and buttons
#35238 Shika Configuration:: Write a details tool-tip for each and every option with example
#35622 Modules view:: Hover should display only for edit, delete & reorder the lesson (CHECK MOUSE POINTER)
#37310 Lesson Landing page:: COM_TJLMS_INCOMPLETE_LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_textmedia
#41464 Courses>Manage Training Material > Cancel button functionality is not proper
#41617 Course access via url when its only for register user
#40365 All Courses Page:: Category should be reset, If we redirect from dashboard to any view like 'assigned courses" , " my liked courses" etc
#40151 #11978 : point 1 : When i deleted an order that was "pending" the status didn't change at all, now with that user i cant do nothing because i can't change the order status. Please make that when an order is deleted the user's status for the course resets
#40672 A registered member looking at a paid course can see that he has completed 0% of the course, even when he has not purchased the course; Hide the progress bar , if user is not enrolled for a course && If he has not bought the course
#40817 Recommend course:: Display a message; 'There is no friend to recommend this course', If there is no friend in the recommend list
#38801 Review Quiz answer Sheet:: Ui issue with cross button.
#40816 Edit Quiz:: Save & Close button is not working, Unable to edit existing quiz
#40369 Dashboard> Activities> View All :: Notice: Undefined variable: text_to_show in /home/aasim/httpdocs/uber_j33/components/com_tjlms/views/activities/tmpl/default.php on line 108 - 4
#40366 Dashboard> Assigned Course:: The label should be 'Assigned Courses' instead of 'My Courses', If I redirect from dashboard> 'assigned courses'
#40841 Assign user view:: In assign user pop-up view, Tool tip for search & clear button are not clearly visible.
#40402 Quiz Result page:: 'Time taken' is not getting shown at the end of quiz
#41113 Quiz Landing page:: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/aasim/httpdocs/uber_j33/plugins/system/plg_system_tjlms/plg_system_tjlms.php on line 581
#41859 Daily EOD meeting on Mon, APR 01, 2015
#41696 Plugin Manager: Tjlms-User log - Language constant is missing
#41458 Enroll User: Search Box border is open at one end.
#41700 Link issue on my Dashboard in version on - links broken due to warnings
#20561 "Consider as Free sample in case of paid course. " should be seen on lesson only if course is paid
#41698 Allow to create paid courses option should be moved to the Payments Tab
#30441 Question Form View :: "Display a message about category option for better usability. [Refer screenshot]
#31259 Add LMS Sub-menu [refer screenshot]
#31710 Backend Course saving has major issues.
#33624 Front-end : My Course view :: COM_TJLMS_NO_COURSE
#33643 Video API :: Language constant missing PLG_TJLMSVIDEO_API_KEY PLG_TJLMSVIDEO_API_KEY
#34020 Course form view :: Unnecessarily line break in description text area
#34438 Dashboard view> Responsiveness issue :: Unnecessarily gap placed between blocks on dashboard [refer screenshot]
#34449 Dashboard view> Responsiveness issue :: There is an issue with graph labels on Mobile portrait (320x480) [refer screenshot]
#34453 Course list view> Responsiveness issue :: Clear button is not placed correctly [refer screenshot]
#34456 Lesson list view >> Responsiveness issue:: Create module view is not responsive below the (1024x768) resolution [refer screenshot]
#34592 Add Course Form view :: Text Area,Text field & drop-down should have same length
#34892 Assign user> UI issue on assign user view
#35324 Lesson Landing page:: Notes are not getting saved.
#41408 Reports: Tooltips are not visible
#41409 Enroll user: textbox and buttons are not aligned
#41460 Enroll User: Instead of "Select" it should be "Select Group" See screenshot
#41563 Backend all views
#41569 enroll-user-cancle button
#41575 report-responsiveness for 533 x 853 screen-limit button is not visible
#42086 PHPcS for testpremise.php-model file
#42136 phpcs for plugin tjtextmedia for creator.php
#42163 front end quiz page language constant missing (COM_TJLMS_INCOMPLETE_LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_tmtQuiz)
#42169 language constant missing for quiz see screen shot
#42152 backend create new quiz language constants missing
#42095 backend - LMS - course blog - course user menu should be recommend user and its option are yes and no instead of hide and show
#42076 backend Add CSV file(Help note needed)
#42070 backend Question CSV upload (text hard coded)
#42065 backend Question bank ()
#41992 frontend-course-if image is not there -language constant missing
#41980 backend-module-lms-categories-language constant missing
#41939 backend-course-lesson-associate files-button name should be Insert Files
#41870 front end course page (hover text for enrolled students for course)
#41868 back end view question tool tip missing
#34389 Course Images are not shown on "My enrolled courses" view
#34391 Course progress percentage shown on "My Dashboard" and "Course" are different
#34386 Getting error on approving enrolment in backend
#41217 courses list view - backend - Show only date. remove time from it
#31713 Can we have the Create Module open in a modal ?
#31712 Image breaks on saving course
#34423 show 'Home' if user not logged in,, Show 'Log out' after My Dashboard once he logged in(10.jpg)
#12597 Course Description not getting saved
#40239 Side bar:: Question bank link not working. Getting a blank page on clicking to it.
#39922 Question Selection type in Question Bank
#39918 Unable to type in text box
#39912 Close button needed
#34420 LOGIN page issues on aims demo
#33952 Remove "T3 Framework"
#33951 Thumbnails of the courses are not visible
#33950 Either remove "About US" or Change the content or links from this tab
#14079 "Enrol Users" should show users form the access level to which course is assigned.
#12758 take "Number of attempts" in account
#41735 Admin::click on help->Image not visible
#41665 frontend logout
#41682 frontend courses page(dashboard)
#41686 Frontend- Courses - if the lesson is unpublish-their is no status infoemation
#41465 Courses>Manage Training Material>Create Lesson
#41462 Reports: User who liked? Cannot see any user likes.
#42236 Add Quiz> Pick Questions> Boxes needs to be aligned.
#42232 Create lesson: No link available to upload video/audio
#42214 Create Quiz>Score&Result>Align text boxes
#42213 Create Quiz>Time limit>Align button and text boxes
#42212 Create Quiz>Details>Align button and text boxes
#42207 Question bank whole page is messed up.
#42206 Question bank> Import CSV button size is bigger than the rest.
#42202 Backend: Courses list view> Please align headings aesthetically. Some of the headings are two lines. Please check the arrangement of text.
#39916 Cancel Button Functionality Issue
#42331 Manage Enrollment: Text change. instead of username it should be "Email"
#41664 frontend courses page
#42257 Quiz> Unable to attempt Quiz for second time. Getting an error page
#41652 The pop up opening after liking the course is not fully visible
#41653 Backend-report-should be open in a modal box
#41672 Course List view:: 'up to date" module is not properly placed, does not look good on nexus 7
#41679 frontend-my dashboard-course progress-not responive on 600*1024
#41680 frontend courses page
#41681 frontend-course-600*800- dislike button dont have starting and ending border
#41684 Language constant missing on LMS - Category List module view at backend : MOD_LMS_CATEGORYLIST_SCROLL_HEIGHT_LIMIT
#42436 Quiz> Score is not showing for Quiz_4.
#41687 LMS - Filter Module - Language constant missing
#41699 Group Discussions block should not be shown if ES integration is not on !
#42420 Courses List view> Column Header need to be arranged aesthetically. I have closed this issue yesterday, but im seeing issue again.
#41705 Options in the Question type should say Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Multiple Response Questions (MRQs) (Backend Create Question)
#41714 Admin Menu Language Constants Missing for Shika Submenu
#42500 Resolve 8 bugs
#42494 These should change as per our discussion. For example: (Pls confirm before impl
#42461 Under email address column, for some of the users, only there names are visible.
#42423 Frontend> Dashboard> Getting a warning page.
#42357 Manage Enrollments> Last name name is not visible.
#42241 Frontend: Quiz> On Clicking attempts instead of pop-up page is appearing. Please check
#42201 Enroll User: Question CSV import button is not aligned. Please provide proper spacing and align all the buttons.
#42204 Enroll User> CSV upload error.
#42211 Courses list view> Reports> tool tips are not visible.
#42422 Manage Enrollment: Text change. instead of username it should be "Email" instead of "EMail"
#41744 frontend home page(dashboard)
#41463 Courses: Unable to upload SCROM zip. [may be duplicate Issue]
#42541 Create Quiz:: Language constant missing and I am unable to understand, why the issue is coming, When I am filling all the mandatory fields
#42582 Create Lesson> Save and next button
#42690 Launch Course> Like/dislike
#41497 Backend view=help
#29440 Redirects for save , save and close not working
#42731 Dashboard> Header> Welcome User and log out seems to be not aligned.
#42709 Reduce space from below the MIT LOGO
#42705 Courses> Comments
#42704 Course> When i click notes button, to add some notes, double separation line is
#42700 Quiz layout> Next button overlapped by scroll
#42699 Quiz layout>Options should be indented. Check reference
#42696 On hovering toolbar, scroll is coming.
#42695 Quick Quiz layout
#42720 Dashboard
#42719 Quick Quiz
#42718 Quick Quiz
#42715 Quick Quiz
#42713 Quiz layout
#42694 Quick Quiz layout
#42692 Course launch> Start/Resume buttons
#42689 Course Contents Page
#29609 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access_level in /var/www/sa321/administrator/components/com_tjlms/models/courses.php on line 181 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$access_level in /var/www/sa321/administrator/components/com_tjlms/models/courses
#35358 My dashboard>>Activity Stream :: Any blocks 'Enrolled Courses' , ' Activity' etc are not getting updated
#35607 Edit Quiz problem:: Lesson in 'Eligibility Criteria' section should be remained selected.
#41656 Frontend quiz page
#43050 Kpoint issue fix with vaishali for multiple time display list of videos
#42765 quiz-start-over getting notice- undefined variable start-over
#42997 Recommend Users> Getting a blank pop-up.
#34392 Courses, which are unplublished or trashed are still seen in "Enrolled Courses" box on my dashboard
#42791 Create Lesson> When I click on "Lesson Format" this "Lesson save successfully" message is displayed.
#42721 Unpublished course is visible at frontend and even i can take the lessons of thi
#42155 Resume functionlity not working for jWpayer
#35018 JWplayer issues
#31714 Fatal error when i try to enroll
#39017 Course details page:: Language constant missing for COM_JLIKE_REMOVE_FROM_PLAN_ALERT
#42638 Quiz>Autopick Questions> Number of questions are available by default.
#42760 Edit Quiz> "Next" button> language constant missing
#42598 Course Details Page:: Getting a warning message on Like > Add list
#42751 backend-option-lesson setting-language constant is missing
#42845 frontend (course page) language file parsing error
#42663 Frontend> Quiz - starting a quiz shows a warning
#42468 Kpoint player Dimension params to be removed
#43090 Backend-> report-> particular report (view all) ->hide course column
#42987 On Create question view - hard coded lang. message displayed
#42747 backend quiz page (language constant missing COM_TMT_BUTTON_NEXT)
#42701 Quiz quiz> Result page
#42434 User Dashboard >> Order view :: Language constant missing for this term: COM_TJLMS_YOUR_LIKED_LESSONS
#42657 The popup for the message should have a way to close it.. Needs a X to close
#42629 Language constant missing for guest user:: ??COM_TJLMS_LOGIN_TO_ACCESS??
#42599 frontend (page after finishing the quiz )
#42594 Course details page :: For the Lesson criteria dependency pop-up, A close button is required
#42592 frontend course enrollment success message box is not proper
#41911 Lesson landing page> Footer:: 'Pop' is not fully visible
#42546 Course list view: UI Looks weird, when courses are unpublished
#40340 The subctaegories are not seeing as nested in category filter of Tjlms filter module
#42639 Quiz > Add Quiz -> Add Questions -> Autopick Questions: If no questions found warning is shown on parent screen instead of popup window
#40217 Resume window : Buttons should be named: "Resume" and "Start over"
#42502 Date display style/format is different in Question bank w.r.t. Courses page.
#42574 Review Quiz answer Sheet:: Unwanted message is getting displayed, while I CLOSE THE REVIEW SHEET
#42481 Start date should always be greater than End date. f not alert should be display
#41907 UI Issue: UI issue with 'start from beg' & 'start from where I left' button on hover
#42447 back end tool tip missing for the parameters on create new quiz page
#42443 Course Details page:: Wrong tool tip on 'launch' button, It should be 'Launch the Lesson" Instead of 'launch the course'
#40164 images not shown on List layout
#42454 Backend -> com_tjlms options -> Lanagugae constants missing
#30470 Question / Test Form View :: "Save & New" button is required [Refer screenshot]
#42471 Mass Enrollment CSV import : Fix Success Message
#40161 Course details page:: There is some Java script issue, sometimes button does not work properly
#42430 backend-course-manage training material-size of cancle button is large than other button
#40171 Course details page:: If course details page is not completely loaded and user clicks on 'recommend' then , Its completely broken
#39079 All Courses Landing Page> View Report:: Application is generating the report with blank records
#41351 Course List View:: Extremely bad UI with many warning messages
#39089 Back-end>Dashboard:: UI Issue in most active students block
#41704 Fonts blown up in backend warnings on Screen
#40368 Courses Details page:: Change 't' by 'T' in the tool tip of certificate term
#39081 Back-end> Left side bar:: Unnecessarily horizontal scroller is placed in all views except categories
#40712 Question Bank View:: There is an UI issue with left side bar( hide side bar button)
#20338 In "File media" , in creator column, show username instead of user ID
#40822 Lesson Landing page::There is an UI issue with zoom in/Zoom Out button, It looks blur
#39075 Lesson Landing page:: Disabled next button .If There is no next page (same for previous button)
#39078 Update required module:: 'Update required module' is not there in Course category,Question category views
#40159 Pop-Up Success messages :: Needs 2px padding from left for any success message in all the pop-up
#43148 show warnig message after finishing course
#40826 Documents type Lessons are not getting launched on Uber site
#40836 Lesson Landing page:: UI issue in View List, View Notes toolbar option,
#42215 Quiz>Add exiting Quiz. Check attached screen-grab
#40832 Ui issue with Start accessing from beginning & start from Where I left buttons
#41570 enroll-user-tool-tip
#41417 Create Lesson:: Document types lesson are not getting created.
#40837 Dashboard:: Sales dashboard block, The text color for information message should not be red.
#41608 frontend-course-not vertically responsive therefore last added courses in the course page is not visible
#41597 frontend-course-after clicking browser back button redirecting to wrong page
#41837 Dashboard> Activities> View All :: Courses Links should open in parent window
#41594 frontend (quiz)
#41976 Shika left side menu Need tool-tip on hover! ' Hide this tool bar' and vice versa 'show this tool bar'
#41871 remove hover text for search textbox
#20327 Courses Tab : Missing 'enrolled users' column
#42609 Quiz Answer Sheet> Print: Quiz name, Time taken are missing! While we print it,
#41869 Time spent and current position is not getting tracked for vimeo
#28332 display new quiz links in add lesson dropdown of course module's
#29079 not able to edit question throwing alert "select atleast one answer"
#43149 Quiz: Create question form: Change lang. constant 'Go to category list & create category,If not available'
#43144 No percentage in number (Check attachment)
#42596 Language constant for the quiz page - terms and condition line is missing
#42428 tooltip-missing- for my dashboard- your like courses
#42181 backend-options-lesson settings-language constant missing
#42085 View Report>Inner pop-up:: Attempt count should not be clickable
#42061 Module manager> Lms category module:: Language constant missing for many options
#41981 Course Details page:: UI Issues with tags, Tags are not visible
#41909 Edit Lesson:: Horizanatl scroller is missing, you can not save or cancel the lesson, While we Preview the lesson
#41690 Plugin : jLike LMS Plugin - Language constant missing
#41670 Frontend :: All courses ->filters not working properly
#41636 backend-report-view report-modal box is not responsive 320*533
#41606 Toolbar view icon and sidebar view list icons are different
#41601 Admin :: Edit course -> Onclick of save button gives error - Invalid Image
#41835 Backend view modules add new quiz (textbox and labels needs alignment)
#41596 frontend (quiz)
#41592 frontend-course-technical-skills-html-notice is coming
#41833 backend view courses (more discriptive icons or list view should be used)
#41578 report-view report-notice: undefined variable
#41829 Create Quiz> Add New Question:: There is an UI issue in add new question pop-up
#40842 My Dashboard> All Activities :: Numbers are missing, we can't switch to a specific page number.
#40824 Course landing page> Course content:: In lesson report pop-up view, All the text should be align to center instead of left
#40635 All Courses page> Display a message "Sorry! No course found." for invalid search input [In case of Guest User]
#40364 Course Details page:: user images is not placed correctly, Image should be align to left, that is exactly below the like button
#39250 Jlike toolbar not looking good when guest user is accessing lesson
#39096 left side bar menu:: UI issue in small devices (320*480) Align it to left for small devices
#37585 Ledt side menu:: Change the name of left side menu: Course--> Course Category & Question --> Question category
#37547 Course Details page:: user images looks rectangular on like button
#36934 Create lesson:: UI issue on save & close, When associated file option is set to 'NO'
#35451 Free course>Completion :: /home/aasim/httpdocs/lmsbeta/modules/mod_lms_course_blocks/mod_lms_course_blocks.php on line 133
#35174 All Courses:: UI issue with search & clear button
#34611 Recommend course :: Error loading documents pop-up message
#34585 Lessons : Lesson are not opening in full screen on Firefox browser
#34584 SQL error on lesson launch button
#20330 Courses Tab : When I select status as "Trashed", the list of courses shown there have image of Published status under status
#20331 Create course view:When we click on "New" button to create course, Create course tab should be active, right now it is course pricing tab
#20337 Create course view: Show alert of confirmation while removing any subscription plan
#20343 create lesson view "Eligibilty Criteria" is showing wrong options.
#20348 No proper options are given if Format is selected as Video.. Please chek LLD for this
#20560 "Start Publishing Date:" while creating course by default should be set to Today's date not it is blank
#20644 during edit course access level 0 is auto selected along with selected access level.
#20645 manage enrolment -> change status not working
#21047 500 error on cat view. front end..
#30817 Lesson Form view :: PDF file is not getting saved & ppt format file is not getting uploaded
#32701 Duplicate lessons are created when we click on "Save & next"
#34167 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/lmsbeta/components/com_tjlms/views/dashboard/tmpl/my.php on line 240
#34361 Course landing page :: UI Issue with like & dislike button
#34387 Language constant missing on success of enrollment 'COM_TJLMS_COURSE_ENROL_SUCCESS'
#34394 My Dashboard - Invalid argument supplied for foreach on com_tjlms/views/dashboard/tmpl/my.php Line 240
#37372 Edit Lesson:: Edit lesson functionality is not working at all
#41372 Add Module View :: There is an UI issue while we create a module
#42631 Quiz: Quiz is accessible even if we are not enrolled for a course
#42584 Frontend> PDF lesson
#42580 Course details page:: Add tool tip on quiz launch button, If quiz attempts are completed. Add tool tip on hover! 'Total attempts are completed, You can not launch it.'
#42617 Edit Quiz:: Under eligibility criteria, already selected lesson/quizzes must be pre-selected while we edit the quiz
#42330 Manage Enrollment: Import CSv> CSV upload error. Getting erorr when added new user to csv and then upload.
#42258 backend view lesson (spelling mistake and case mistake in tooltip)
#42685 Frontend>On cliking Launch button, getting messages (language constant)
#42555 Enroll course: After enrolling for a course, I am getting a page with code
#42534 Add Existing Quiz:: Two notices are getting displayed
#42504 Create Quiz : not able to save and close " : error in the ajax call in console : Notice: Undefined index: free_lesson in /var/www/html/new/administrator/components/com_tmt/models/test.php on line 519
#41598 frontend (quiz)
#41726 Backened::Enroll students ..filter doesnot work
#42178 back end manage enrollments (COM_TJLMS_TITLE_MANAGEENROLLMENTS_IMPORT language constant missing)
#42174 frontend-quiz-language constant missing for terms and condition
#42148 Frontend language constant mising ( COM_TJLMS_LESSON_NOT_PUBLISHED_YET)
#42149 Frontend language constant mising ( COM_TJLMS_LESSON_EXPIRED)
#42588 Create lesson> Lesson Format> Video/audio > File is not getting selected.
#42579 Course Details page: Course progress bar showing incorrect report
#42602 Quiz:: Pre-requites message needs to be changed
#42462 Name other users should be available here who are not enrolled to particular cou
#42452 Edit Quiz> Please check the ecreenshot, During editing Start date and end date vanishes. I think this should not happen.
#42456 1. when I am clicking on "Score" answer sheet is displaying, is it correct? 2.
#42822 Kpoint video is playing in lower half of the screen.
#42707 Kpoint Lesson Complete is not getting tracked
#42593 Quiz> Review Answer-sheet:: Quiz answer sheet is showing incorrect details
#42586 Frontend> PDF lesson> Unable to see the last page of PDF
#42578 Frontend> Quiz
#42435 backend create new quiz (consider for free sample should only visible when we have enabled to create paid courses )
#42429 frontend quiz close button on answer sheet is not proper
#42587 Create Lesson> Audio/Video> Kpoint video list. Search not working.
#42426 Actual Attempts have scores.. Seems to be failing for latest attempt
#42425 frontend-my dashboard-your like courses language constant missing
#42421 frontend course not published on required date and time
#42418 Create lesson> Add Video/Audio> on clicking "Select Kpoint video list" getting an error page.
#42413 Should have the ability to close this notice
#42412 Cant Cancel from the Quiz Pre requisites screen
#42411 After using Auto Pick Questions - Shows Question paper :Total Marks = 0 -- Cant save
#42406 Add existing Quiz showing blank page
#42398 Quiz Questions sample CSV should have all type of Questions and possible combinations to add data
#42397 Name of CSV upload sample files for Questions should be - sample-qa-import.csv NOT test.scv
#42396 If review Answers is off for a Quiz, Then you should not be able to launch it from the attempt report in the frontend
#42354 Hierarchy component and CSV import/Export> Success message needs improvement
#42294 After Quiz Completion - Time Taken is not showing right output
#42242 Quiz> Pick Questions>1. Selection not visible in Select category. 2. Under Category column, only selected category questions should be displayed not the rest.
#42240 Frontend view course (hover text for lesson published and quiz published is same)
#42198 backend CSV file(Help note needed on enrollment manage page)
#42196 Quiz Start Over - Timer Should reset when click start over
#42192 backend manage enrollment CSV upload (text hard coded)
#42189 During attempting Quiz for second time, getting an error page.
#42175 Backend : Options : Lesson settings - COM_TJLMS_ADMIN_QUIZ_SETTINGS lang constant missing
#42145 backend language parsing error on course category page
#42073 Enroll course::Ui issue in success message with cross button
#42003 Edit Course> Text & Media >Drag & Drop Builder :: When we edit the course that is created in Drag & Drop Builder , It opens in Joomla Native builder view
#42000 Joomla Native Builder:: There is a notice message, while creating a html course using Joomla Native Builder
#41979 backend view courses (Notice: Undefined variable: options in /var/www/html/lmstest/administrator/components/com_tjlms/models/fields/lmscategories.php on line 59)
#41978 Question Form view:: Many warnings are there
#41863 backend side bar menu icons
#41862 Backend: Add quiz : hide the parameter 'Enter Minutes Before Showing 'Time Finished Alert' *" if the parameter "Show Time Finished Alert *" is set to no
#41855 frontend courses (hover text should be course type )
#41841 Backend view question (create new questions alignment needed)
#41838 Backend all views on localhost (JROOT/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_tjlms.ini : error(s) in line(s) 526, 527)
#41836 backend view modules (page scrolling problem on localhost in firefox)
#41832 Backend view modules (no way to go back there are no associate files present to select)
#41827 Create Quiz:: By Default, Start & End date should be today's date
#41807 Course details page> Course content:: UI issue in quiz review answer sheet, 'Time taken' label is missing
#41796 backend- course-add quiz-pic question from question bank-view is not proper
#41789 acesslevel-category-super user-then also the category courses are visible to other users
#41786 Admin::Module->When we increase text area of description field then textarea of name field also increases.
#41771 Frontend : Course : Enrol->"You have successfully enrolled for the course." should have class alert-success
#41724 Frontend :: Courses : unplublished categories are also seen
#41671 frontend-course-video-lesson is not responsive
#41666 Admin:: Modules->add new module and press enter->error:: Module saved successfully
#41650 Admin:: Enroll user window should have back button
#41647 Print and close button needs some alignment.
#41646 Frontend quiz page
#41350 Dashboard View: There is awarning message on dashboard view
#33642 Video Lesson :: Time spent calculation should be correct for Video
#43154 Add Quiz -> Add Questions -> Autopick Questions: Increase popup window height
#43151 Warning on course details page (Check attachment)
#43147 show warnig message after finishing course
#43145 Backend: course view display notice
#43140 Notice on course view
#43137 Edit Quiz> "Yes" & No button> language constant missing (Check attachment)
#42821 Kpoitn video traking issue
#42173 front end course page (course description out of block)
#42170 Description for Groups integration in backend text is wrong
#42168 backend-edit quiz eligibility criteria- not editing
#42167 frontend course selection (message should be warning )
#42164 Can not cancel the Quiz until I click on I agree button
#42153 Jwplayer - clicking on pause and then play , does not starts form where the video has paused, it seeks at the end of the video
#42144 frontend video loading message not proper
#42074 Backend create lesson start date and end date calendar not working
#42048 JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /mnt/data/vhosts/
#41767 Dahboard: UI is extremely poor, when we redirect to my assigned course from dashboard
#41709 By Default Category and Difficulty level on a Create Question form should be pre selected to the first category and difficulty as Medium
#41706 Validation messages for Answers are not correct.
#41645 frontend-course-lesson- after completion of any lesson their is no back button to start next lesson or redirecting to course landing page
#41635 Backend view module tool tip for (Consider as Free sample in case of paid course)
#41633 Admin- courses-click on Enrol users menu button for any course - Tooltip of not visible
#41623 Backend view module
#41566 Backend view=modules
#41561 backend-sidebar-question bank-please check sidebar hide and show symbol
#41461 Reports: Data not found
#42075 View Report>Inner pop-up:: There is a notice message : Notice: Undefined property: TjlmsViewreports::$attempts_report in /mnt/data/vhosts/ on line 7
#41756 backend-course-manage training material-edit lesson dont have sroll bar
#41754 Backend landing page (div overlap )
#41731 Admin:: Module::Onclick of preview button,the video that opens leaves extra space on both the side .
#41725 frontend-course-not publish course-tooltip-language constant is not defined
#41713 Help Screen shows Shiksa !! in backend
#41459 Enroll User: Multiple options for search should be available. Like search by ID.
#41371 Add Module view:: On CANCELLATION entire process should be cancelled.
#41353 Module View:: Need a close button on Module List View to go back on 'Course List view'
#41127 Course landing page:: Eligibility criteria functionality is not working correctly, The lesson which we select in Eligibility criteria is accessible, Even if user is not passed the depended lesson/quiz.
#41053 Course details page> Lots of error/notices are getting seen , When error reporting is set to 'system defualt'
#40850 Course view>Create module:Needs tool tip for module:: Tool tip can be something like:- Once you create a module! Then, you can add multiple lessons under it.
#40150 Vemeo lesson:: The performance of vimeo video is very poor, it run with start/stop. The same video runs smoothly on vimeo and also in other components like youtube gallery etc in joomla on my site.
#42414 This quiz was initially set to mark as per Best of all attempts. I changed it to
#39216 Quiz Landing page:: UI issue in message, 'Time is running out' (place this message properly)
#39063 Course details page> Course content:: Number of attempt option is not correctly placed
#39008 left side bar menu:: Needs to be redesign the UI for left side bar menu for Joomla 3.4
#38887 Quiz Landing page:: UI Issue: Message should be clearly fully visble
#38820 Course details page:: Extremely poor UI, when we like the course, A pop-up gets opened, which has very poor UI
#38791 quiz landing page:: Quiz attempt should not be calculated, If user cancel the Quiz
#35787 Configuration setting:: Move quiz setting option to the lesson tab
#35629 Manage Enrollments:: Position of the column should not move,When we sort the column value
#35626 Manage Questions:: Move publish/unpublished column near to 'question' column
#35623 Course landing page:: Display a tool tip message for module
#35611 Lesson Landing page:: Buttons are not working & 2 horizontal scroller are getting shown.
#35381 Redirect to PAID course page:: If guest user view the paid course & application redirect to login page, Then if user log into the site, Application Should redirect to course landing page
#35160 Course details page :: Dislike button is not working as expected... dislike count is getting increased on each click
#35117 select box in filter module not seen properly due to template styling
#34116 Add common tool tip on Launch button for every course & quiz
#34013 Can not Launch lesson on FIrefox
#33954 Lesson create : radio type fields not getting saved
#33938 Under the title "Most Poopular Courses", I am unable to see the respective images
#33897 update passed/ failed for the quiz in lesson track
#43160 Course details page: Change table columns widths
#43159 Course details page: Divs overlap with sidebar
#42482 Import and Export button should be placed and aligned same as done in "Question
#42355 Hierarchy component and CSV import/Export> Double dropdown is visible after uploading CSV.
#41884 Warning: include_once(/var/www/html/new/administrator/components/com_tmt/js_defines.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/new/administrator/components/com_tmt/views/questions/tmpl/questionCsv.php on line 22
#41865 front end main page
#41860 add quiz-if their should be no existing quiz to add then their should be some message in a modal box
#33705 Course landing page ::Usability issue with category, Add a label in-front of category name to make it usable [refer screenshot]
#14075 Backend enrol users view: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vaishali/html/lms/administrator/components/com_tjlms/models/enrolment.php on line 230
#19620 LMS fixes on cubix : show remove buton in front of already associated files and make it work
#33684 Remove inline styling from activities view
#19326 lesson should be dragable from 1 module to another
#12582 Store Absolute paths for Course Images & Course files
#20192 sql error on enroll user page in backend
#19628 LMS fixes on cubix : Edit course is not working at all
#41766 backend view enrolment(tooltip for search and clear not within the frame)
#19629 LMS fixes on cubix : add validation while creating course
#12600 Dont allow direct access to course unless logged in user has access - if he's a guest - still his access level is guest
#41715 Trying to Start a video lesson with full error reporting and debug throws a error Errror in setting attempt -- Also its missing a language constant
#19782 already attched files should not be seen in select more files popup
#30725 No alert is shown for "resume the course" if user tried to attempt the same lesson
#19627 LMS fixes on cubix : Self enrolment with admin authorisation off is not working
#35048 Course Details page:: UI issue with like/dislike & Launch button
#34947 lesson landing page: UI issue with 'start accessing from beginning' & 'start accessing from where i left'
#34857 Create Course :: HTML builder is not working for Drag & Drop Content Builder
#31032 If number of attempts are two for a lesson & user completed the both attempt but did'nt complete the lesson ( both attempt are incomplete , then finding it difficult to continue ) Should not allow to Launce new , if the first attempt is incomplete
#31029 Course details page (front-end) :: Do not display the name of user, who's not approved [refer screenshot]
#30971 backend changes for .- edit new form tille- icon changes - save functionality
#34865 Lesson Landing Page :: UI issue with Like & Dislike button
#31709 When you install Shika, a Default category called Uncategorized should be created.
#30456 Question List View :: letter 's' should not hide [Refer screenshot]
#30406 Test Form view :: Hide or Disable the "Enter Minutes Before Showing 'Time Finished Alert' " option , If Show Time Finished Alert option is off [Refer screenshot]
#35399 Course form view:: Usability issue in category drop-down [refer screenshot]
#20193 validation check for current user and course (check access level on page load)
#21035 show buy button depending on the payment status for paid courses
#20625 prefil value for repective lesson format on edit lesson
#20562 "Select files" link is floating on the page .. Plz see attached screenshot
#20329 Courses Tab :"Enrol users" view needs styling (give proper class to 'Enrol users' button and move it to at the top right and below that "Search" and "Select" buttons should appear
#20326 Mange enrolment is throwing following error:500 - An error has occurred
#20332 Need to add styling to label of "Radio" buttons of Type and published as "clear: none;" all views
#38871 On Lesson Launch :: UI Issue, Pop-up is hidden.
#33687 Ordering not getting save for lesson on drag drop
#33640 Front end :: Styling issue with 'Start from begining' & 'Resume where you left' button
#20325 Move Setting tab to "Options" component parameter
#20684 duration box stays in readonly mode when new entry added
#33619 Course details page :: More... button is placed unneccesarily, even if there is no more description
#33617 Course Module :: White page is getting displayed, while we save the module by pressing Enter 'Key' [from keyboard]
#33343 language constant missing for COM_TJLMS_MODULE_CHANGE_STATE
#33314 "Warning Error loading component: com_tmt, Component not found Error loading component: com_tjlms, Component not found "
#41846 backend-question categories- in tablet the access language and the id column is not visible
#42764 1. Edit Quiz> When I set start date greater than end date, In getting an error message on last tab. It should show error just after the date selection. 2. In Error messge language constant is missing
#42547 Create Quiz>Add Existing Quiz:: Multiple attempt are not getting saved for existing quiz
#42409 Quiz Creation not showing Next buttons. Shows save and close from first screen whereas its not possible to submit unless all fields on all tabs are filled
#42356 Hierarchy component and CSV import/Export> See screenshot for issue.
#42004 Edit Course> Text & Media >Joomla Native Editor :: When we edit the course that is created in Joomla Native Editor , It Showing the content of other lesson lesson, which is created in Drag & Drop builder
#41891 Plugin System - TjLMS - language file missing in xml
#41875 videos need to be responsive
#34120 Front-end>>Dashboard >> Activity :: Badges links should redirect to badges page OR Achievement page of ES
#43152 Alignment Issue on mobile screen
#42530 Edit Quiz> Date issue
#42527 Course list view> Enroll User - Asking me to save "index.gz" file. (See the attached screenshot)
#42497 this should change to Reports to
#42433 Course List view:: 'Clear' button is not placed properly in Apple 6
#42424 Backend-option-general-Language constant missing
#42415 Please fix the Date format as well as time. Follow Joomla config/standards. Woul
#42395 Close Button on Quiz not working after completing the Quiz
#42318 Kpoint Player needs to be responsive
#41763 Bottom bar for Quiz and Box Viewer next/pre buttons need to be better highlighted
#41753 access level-public-unbublish lesson is also accessable
#41750 access level-guest-publish lessons are also not clickable
#41738 frontend-course-lesson-jgive toolbar-view note showing horizontal and vertical toolbar
#41723 frontend-courses-if the attempts to start a lesson again is finished then it showing in tooltip only some symbol or message is require
#41695 Plugin System - TjLMS - Add right description
#41685 frontend-courses-lesson-jgive toolbar- after clicking main button the line between all button is missmatched
#41599 frontend (quiz result) : tab showing attempted questions is not looking good.
#41616 Frontend- Courses - If course category is unpublished ,still courses of that particular category is visible
In this release sprint we have closed 500+ bugs. You can see the whole changelog in the Release Notes tab.