
Version 2.9.1
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2016-11-05 05:30
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#91616 Back-end :- Unable to save CCK products


NOTE :- If you are using JGive or JTicketing on your site then you need to update this extensions with quick2cart.

New Installation Instructions -

  1. Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation
  2. Install Quick2cart Stable package. 
  3. Note that, by default we only enable the commonly needed extensions. Depending on what you are using, enable the needed plugins. The Document below describes the various extensions installed as part of the Quick2Cart package.
  4. Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Upgrading Instructions -

  1. Take a backup any changes you have made to Quick2cart code / language files / view overrides etc.
  2. Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before upgrade
  3. Install quick2cart-2.8.5 Stable.
  4. Go to Quick2cart -> Options -> and save the options.

Basic Configuration after installation  -

  1. Go to Quick2cart option-> set different option according to your requirement and save the component options.
  2. Also, Set different ACL permissions for the registered user from Quick2cart option->Permission tab (eg Create,Edit Own,Edit State).
  3. Make sure you have enabled "System - Techjoomla - Assets Loader" and set all option to YES. This minimizes the Jquery conflicts.
  4. If you are using Zoo component to create Quick2cart products, make sure that you are using latest zoo version ( greater than 3.2.x).

*NOTE: After install/upgrade Quick2kart  If you are using Shika, JTicketing  extension then you need to upgrade these extensions to the latest one. As we have done core changes in DOMPDF library which common for these extensions.