Version 1.0 Beta 6
Maturity Beta
Release Date 2014-11-28 05:30
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Features added :

 #34430: Amazon S3 integrtaion
 #34617: Points system integration 
 #34497: Activity stream changes
 #34626: Show recommend courses and assigned courses on my dashboard

Tasks done :
 #34568 : Change Meta data and mets description of a course as non mandatory fields
 #34366:  When guest user is accessing the lesson, show only close button

Upgrade Instructions:

You just need to download the package and install it on your site. No need to uninstall the previous versions.

Note : we have changed architecture of the, so If you are upgrading from lower version than Beta 5, if you have lessons with Document,  Video and PPt format uploaded previously, you will need to upload them again..