
Version 1.8.7
Maturity Stable
Release Date 2016-01-06 05:30
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Changelog For JGive 1.8.7

#65582 Fatal error on campaigns pin view(Bootstrap 2 view)

Changelog For JGive 1.8.6

#65379 Donation receipt: Incorrect donation amount display in receipt

Changelog For JGive 1.8.5

#63878 Donation Receipt: Email the Receipt to the donor after successful donation.
#52352 Mass Mailing: Send an email to multiple donors at one time. 
#61662 Field Manager: Integrated Field manager with JGive so that administrator can add extra fields on creating campaign page.
#31509 Ability to add metadata & meta description for a campaign to increase the campaign SEO ranking.
#59043 Donors list view.

#61654 Donor CSV export from donors list view
#63881 Editable template for the donation receipt.
#61564 Fix height campaigns pin view

#64773 Create a campaign view: - Date field should be mandatory. 
#62195 Campaign view: - Campaign type is not getting save correctly if only one type of campaign type set in component settings.
#61386 Campaign details view: - If images, the video is not uploaded while creating campaign then don't show images, video tab on the campaign page.
#59664 My donation list view: - Unable to see donation status. 
#64898 Donation list view: - CSV Export button icon missing. 
#64619 Create campaign view: - Category field Language constant missing.
#65379 Donation receipt: Incorrect donation amount display in receipt

Upgrading Instructions:

- Please backup any changes you have made to JGive code / language files.
- Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before upgrade
- Install jgive_v1.8.7_142fd77b.zip

New Installation Instructions:

- Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation
 - Install jgive_v1.8.7_142fd77b.zip

Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x & 3.x

Follow detailed installation & upgrade instructions here