Integration of jLike with Ohanah

Enable jlike ohanah plugin from backend

To show like & dislike buttons on event details view.

  • File to  modify :/com_ohanah/event/default.php
  • Code to put on Line number : 23
	$show_comments = -1;
	$show_like_buttons = 1;

	$dispatcher	= JDispatcher::getInstance();
	$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplaylike', array ($show_comments, $show_like_buttons));

Please make sure you embed this code in php start and end  tags if needed.

After following these instruction the like/dislike buttons will be shown below event name.


To show Comments 

  • File to  modify :/com_ohanah/event/default.php
  • Code to put on end of file
	$show_comments = 1;
	$show_like_buttons = 0;

	$dispatcher	= JDispatcher::getInstance();
	$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeDisplaylike', array ($show_comments, $show_like_buttons));