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Shika 1.0 has landed

Shika 1.0 has landed

Its February 22nd 2016. Just over 4 years when we first flirted with the idea of creating a learning management system. May 2014 saw Shika enter Techjoomla Labs. 21 months , 8000+ hours of development time and 350,000 + lines of code later, we are proud, (albeit exhausted and excited at the same time !) to present to you Shika 1.0.

Since its announcement, Shika has caused a lot of excitement in the Joomla community and all your love and feedback is what has powered and inspired us and will continue to do so. It’s been an amazing journey so far a lot of it documented via our blog.

A lot of love, feedback and code has gone into making this first cut of our dream come true. Here’s a quick look at what we have to offer.

Quick Look at Shika

Content no bar

Teaching is an art. And as an artist you should not be limited to what materials you can use to paint your canvas. Shika supports a multitude of content formats including SCORM, HTML5, Video, Powerpoint, PDT, Word Docs as well as Plain HTML.

Multiple Lesson Types for Shika


Out of the box Authoring

Sometimes, you might not have content handy and want to quickly create some on your own. With our awesome drag and drop tool you can create content quickly and effectively. If you prefer, we also offer an option of creating content using the native Joomla WYSIWYG editor.

Quiz your class

With support for Multiple response questions and multiple choice questions, a full fledged question bank and an easy to use Quiz curation tool, creating and deploying quizzes is easy as cake in Shika.

Learning Paths and Prerequisites

Sometimes you want your students to follow a certain path in their training. By defining prerequisites, you can create custom learning paths  as per your choice in a course. 

Flexible reporting

Bundling a extensible reporting tool, Shika allows you to keep track of the various learning activities in your system. Student reports, Course reports, Lesson reports as well as attempt level reports are available and you can customise and save new reports as required.




Social learning

Learning can be much more fun with friends and peers. Course and lesson level commenting, likes and dislikes allow for great collaboration around content.

With tight integration with EasySocial and JomSocial, Shika adds supports having discussion groups for every course. Avatar integration, messaging, activity stream integration and a lot more... 

Out of the box Ecommerce

Start selling right away by setting up paid courses and subscription options

We love Developers

We are developers and love them! Shika offers extensive APIs to customise it to your hearts content. With plugins for lesson types, dashboard widgets and reporting you can easily add your own zing to Shika!

Override Away

Shika uses Joomla MVC and is completely overridable. Go ahead and create your own fantastic designs and layouts to create your own unique identity. We promise you Shika won’t object.

Love it and want to know more?

Early Adopters, We Love you!

These are the guys that get a special HUG from the entire team. Thank you so much for being so awesome!

Whether it was inputs on the UI/UX, feature requests or bug reports, you made it possible to make Shika so much more complete at its first stable release. It wasn't out of nowhere that we ended up adding some 59 new features after our planned feature freeze in the beta period! Look out for a special thank you in your inbox :)

Not to forget, The team!

You can see their exhausted, excited and satisfied expressions just after the launch.


Missed the Shika Launch Party?

Check it out here! 

The Early Adopter Offer is over, but you can still get the Launch Discount!

If you came late to the party, don’t fret. Its not as juicy as the early adopter discount.. But its still HUGE! Get 25% off on Shika subscriptions as part of our Launch promotions.


Expires on 5th March

Note: Currently only the Professional version of Shika is for Sale

Grab Shika Now!

What’s Next?

Stay tuned to the Shika Blog or better, Subscribe to our Newsletter to ensure you don't miss anything. We’ll be releasing draft roadmaps for the upcoming versions of Shika next week! Also, a webinar is planned on 8th of March.

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Grab this Jaw Dropping deal now!
Shika 1.0. is coming. Last 3 days to go!