Translation Partners & Contributors

The Techjoomla Translation Program

After watching Isidro Baquero give his  "Hola Mundo", or why should your Joomla extension/business 'speak' Spanish at J & Beyond 2011, we realised the importance of having our extensions speak many languages. After a lot of discussions regarding localisation both at the conference & on the flight back, we decided to launch our translation initiative. While we were at it, the seed of another idea called Open Translators was being formed at All Together as a Whole - the Joomla developer community. We immediately jumped on board for helping with Hindi & Marathi localisations. 

To become part of our translation partners, please access the respective projects on Transifex. You will get access to our English language files via the Transifex system. Once you have completed your first translation, drop us an email with your details & we'll list you here & also give you access to the subscriptions for the Product that you have decided to maintain the translation for.  To make it easy for you to find our projects, we have made them available below under Translation Resources.

Why You Should Join The Program

  • All our Translation Partners get access to our extension subscriptions for as long as they maintain translations.  
  • You get listed on our site as a Translation partner
  • You can also sign up as an affiliate. You can do this anyways, but if you maintain a Joomla site for your language, you can publish our news releases there & promote our extensions to your local communities & earn from it!

Where to find the Language files ?

You can find all our projects at Transifex linked by the tag 'techjoomla' . Here's a link to help find them quickly

Translation Partners

Coming Soon !

We are rebooting our Translation program. Please stay tuned !!