By Parth Lawate on Thursday, 15 August 2013
Category: JTicketing

How JTicketing and REST APIs powered Joomla Day India 2013

Organizing and Attending Joomla Days can be a lot of fun. If you haven't been to one yet, I would recommend you definitely book a seat on the next one happening near you! Organizing one is a lot more work ofcourse but its a ton of fun and gives you some really great experience and collaboration skills. 

So all of us here at Techjoomla and Tekdi love to do both. If a Joomla event is happening in India you are sure to find us there as well as quite a few ones around the world. This blog is a Case Study of how we used the JTicketing extension as well as the Mobile apps for better managing the event. 

If you are a Joomla user group and wish to use the Jticketing extension or our IOS/Android apps for your events, we would be happy to send you over free copies as part of our policy of Giving Back to Joomla.

JTicketing to Power The Event Website

The volunteers from both the JUGs pitched in to design and develop a spectacular website using Joomla (obviously!) and JTicketing was setup to offer Free Tickets for the event. Typically till now Joomla Days in India have always been free events and we try to cover the costs of the event via Sponsorships. In fact, the ability to setup free tickets in Jticketing was added specifically for Joomla Day India!

This allows us to attract a bigger audience and also reach all sections of the society. Knowledge sharing should not need money! Using JTicketing gave us a good idea of the expected audience count and buying a ticket (thought it was free) was a little bit more credible than a simple RSVP on a facebook event. 

Attendees got a Smart looking branded Ticket delivered to their inbox complete with a QR code and their details improving a branding of the event. 

We were also able to export attendee lists to Mailchimp (at that point Jticketing did not have communication facilities inbuilt)

The Jticketing Pro App to Scan and Validate Tickets

Using the app powered by Joomla, JTicketing and our own REST APIs was just the kind of thing that gives us Geeks a kick and we hope it excites you guys as well ! Its got so much of the WOW factor than using a external service. And over the years we have actually made it very flexible and almost as easy to setup as a cloud service. 

Using the app was a great success and generated a lot of exceitement with all the attendees. Plus we had added in a special feature where once the ticket was scanned, the attendee would get a special welcome email. 

Session on REST APIs with the live Case of the JTicketing app

This was a fun session by Ashwin where he talked about the REST APIs for Joomla and how they had been used in developing the jTicketing application. If you are interested in the presentation you check it on Ashwin's SlideShare.

We hope this is a good 'live' example of JTicketing usage for anyone looking to organise events in general and ofcourse for Joomla Events!

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