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The 7-Step Secret Recipe for an Awesome Blog post


Here’s the thing with blogging. Everyone wants to do it, but not many know how to do it in the best way possible. Internet is already abuzz with numerous blogging platforms, advice, tips, tricks, hacks and the likes to get rookie bloggers in the same league as pro-bloggers. 

In this scenario, they have no idea which is the best advice or what should they do in order to take their blog posts from Nay to Yay. Sounds like a problem you have got? Fret not, as we have the secret sauce with us. 

Here is our take on how you can easily create an awe-inspiring blog post:

  •     Say Something Different 

Several blogs are based on the same theme, and they all seem to say the same pointers, in different styles. This can lead to burnout for the readers, who will not be inclined to read your blog posts if you keep on repeating what others have already said. 

Take the road less taken and say something different. A quick way to achieve this is to approach the topic of your choice with a unique point-of-view. Think of it from the reader’s perspective. Why would they read your blog and not someone else’s when the content hints at nothing new? A refreshing perspective that piques their interest is the way to go. An apt example is this Culture Trip write-up- An Off-The-Beaten-Path Guide to Chinatown, New York City.  You get the drift!

  •     Keep Looking for Writing Prompts

Blogging is not just for amateurs, but also for seasoned marketers and firms. Sample this - companies that publish 16+ blog posts per month get nearly 3.5x more traffic than those that publish 0-4 monthly blog posts. 

Easier said than done, sometimes everyone hits writer’s block or run dry of inspiration. This is where writing prompts come handy. There are several writing prompts that will give you the motivation to churn out blog topics. Alternatively, you can use some of these prompts and get writing directly. To get a better perspective, take a look at the writing prompts published here and here.

  •     Give it a Clever Title 

The headline is the first hook in a blog that attracts search engine traffic. Here are some crucial points to remember when you write the blog titles:

o  Headlines with 6-13 words get the most consistent amount of traffic and hits

13. 36% of people prefer list-based headlines

o  Including a colon or hyphen in your title can result in a 9% improvement 

o  The “How-To” headline is a close cousin to the listicle, which is the third most popular headline preference at around 17%

To get started on writing clever titles, you may go for title-generator tools and get an idea of how it works. But the best way to do it is to practice till you can churn out the best headlines in a fraction of a second. 

  •     Cut Down the Wordiness 

All text and no multimedia make Jack a dull reader. 

In other words, no one likes to read a blog that consists only of long paragraphs. It should have a mix of text, images, illustrations, videos, and the likes. This will cut down the wordiness, make the blog appear interesting and therefore, add to enhanced user-experience. You can also go for infographics to make your blog appealing to the targeted audience. 

Note: Adding multimedia also makes the blog more shareable on various social media platforms, which can further enhance its visibility. 

  •     Make it Readable

No matter which platform you are choosing for publishing your blog, always make it readable. One of the ways to do this is to go for lists, choose a theme that has a lot of whitespaces, keep the paragraphs short and so on. You can also play with various fonts and color schemes to enhance the readability of the blog. 

  •     Make it Credible 

43% of readers skim blog posts. To ensure that they stay and engage with the posts, include links from high-quality websites, snippets such as embedded Twitter posts or FB posts, screenshots, codes, etc. You can also include facts, figures, and statistics to create credible posts that resonate with them so that they can read all the information in one place. 

  •     Optimize for Voice Search 

Voice-based assistants are on the rise, and so are voice-based posts. Ensure that your blog gets showed up when the users search using their voice by optimizing it. The quickest and easiest way to do this is to create posts that answer queries that begin with - when, what, why, how, and where. Similarly, also optimize the images for voice search and there will be no looking back. 

  •     Wrap Up with a Strong CTA

No blog is complete without a call-to-action. Egg your readers to take a CTA whether it is to subscribe to your newsletter, make a donation, leave a comment, etc. You can place it in the conclusion part of the blog to wrap up the post. 

Bonus: Go Beyond Conventional Tools

Writing your blog is not the end of the story. You also need to promote it, optimize it for SEO and see to it that it gets the visibility that it deserves. For this purpose, go beyond conventional tools and use tools and plugins. For instance, you can use a plugin that lets you use various design elements in the blog.  

Cook Up a Storm 

Writing a blog is not that difficult but writing a blog that keeps the readers coming back is the key. With these steps, you can definitely aim for creating awesome blog posts that increase footfalls. 

What is your take on our secret recipe? Leave a comment and let us know!

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