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Tips for your Crowdfunding success

Tips for your Crowdfunding success

Achieving the goal amount of a Crowdfunding campaign in that particular time is crucial. The reason why it is crucial, because some campaigns are time bound. People fall short to reach out to the masses and end up failing the campaign.

Key factors to achieve your goal!

Be Heard and Found

Getting noticed is where everything starts. You should leave no path for your campaign to get noticed whether it is through word of mouth or Social Media Platforms, Advertisements (usually the budget is low, so most of them don’t go for this) and having a campaign website with a strong SEO so that Search Engines help you get noticed ;).

There is another cool Idea you can invite people to contribute to your campaign. So if it is a personal email with some information about your campaign and a link to the site can help. Make sure that the message you send does not look like a spam email.  Invitex is one such extension for Joomla! which will help you send such invitations with ease.

 Be Heard and Found for Crowdfunding

Build Trust and Interest

Crowdfunding is all about trust. Now that you have managed to get people on your site how are you going to make them invest/ donate. People usually have a fear while donating/ investing in such campaigns that whether their money will reach the needy or the desired place? Will it be used fruitfully to fulfill the aim? Won’t it be misused? Such questions should get easily answered once they visit your website.You have very less time to build this trust with the potential donor/ investor on your site.

How can that be done?

You can virtually interact with the customer by showing some images, videos in which you can show them how their money will be used and is being used. If that is an investment may be a roadmap can help and for donation campaigns the result of your past campaigns, some happy donors with Testimonials and a lot can be done here.

After having a look at your campaign the potential contributors should feel like..

Take My Share for your Crowdfunding 

Payment Options

So let’s assume, you’ve managed to convince the visitor on your site to invest/ donate money for your campaign. What next? Your site should have multiple payment options for him. Like Credit/ Debit Cards and not to forget Online Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways makes online payments a piece of cake and that too securely. Some important and commonly used payment gateways are





and if your campaign is specifically for your country don’t forget to add the most reliable Payment Gateway for your country.

Payment options for Crowdfunding 


If you keep some cheap yet attractive and interesting things as giveaways/ rewards and set a min donation amount for those this might be an upsell over the  lower donation/ investment amounts and this would be an indirect encouragement for the contributor to contribute a little more. ;)

Rewards for Crowdfunding 

You can thank the contributors by meeting them personally and arranging an event for their felicitation.

There is no formula or guarantee as such to achieve your crowdfunding goals. However, if you follow above mentioned things your campaign will definitely perform better.

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