Integration with Pay with Amazon for India

To enable integration with "Pay with Amazon" for India, follow the below steps.

Setup Instruction

  1. Configure the Amazon seller account. You have to subscribe for "Pay With Amazon" from Amazon.

  2. Setting the Different notification URL on Amazon account
    a. Login to amazon seller center (
    b. Follow the instruction from PDF  - page no 12

  3. Install the latest Quick2Cart package

  4. Configure the plugin Easy Amazon Checkout for Quick2cart according to credentials which are provided by amazon.

  5. If you have Admin Tool on your site then have to do the following settings.

  6. a. Go to Backend->admin Tools
    b. Enter password for admin tool
    c. Click on .htaccess Maker menu
    d. Add below files entry in “ Allow direct access to these files”  under Exception heading




7.  Update the file in prop folder with your (AWSAccessKeyId,AWSSecretKey) pairs. You will find this file at location YOUR_SITE/plugins/system/qtcamazon_easycheckout/lib/iopn_processing/prop/
You will get these detail from > Integration > Access Key.


After completing above steps, you are ready to work.  Now, when user clicks on "Pay Now" or "Checkout" button, buyer are redirected to Amazon site

*NOTE:  For now, this will work for Single vendor mode only. If you want Amazon to ship your product then you have to subscribe for Easy Ship facility on amazon site. 


Reference link