How to install package on Joomla 3.4

1. Installation and upgradation instructions :

New Installation Instructions -

    1. Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before installation
    2. Install com_tjfields first.
    3. & then com_quick2cart 
    4. Note that, by default we only enable the commonly needed extensions. Depending on what you are using, enable the needed plugins. The Document below describes the various extensions installed as part of the Quick2Cart package.

Upgrading Instructions -

    1. Take a backup any changes you have made to Quick2cart code / language files / view overrides etc .
    2. Backup your Joomla site using tools like Akeeba Backup before upgrade
    3. For the first-time upgradation on Joomla 3.4, note down setting and menu configuration of modules "mod_qtcProductDisplay" and "mod_qtcStoreDisplay" and Uninstall these modules.  
    4. Install com_tjfields first
    5. & then com_quick2cart.
    6. Re-Configure modules "mod_qtcstoredisplay" and "mod_qtcproductdisplay" using noted configuration in point 3.


2. Installation error - "No file selected. Unable to find install package"

Joomla 3.4 has a known issue that prevents installation of some extensions. You can read more about this issue here. You might get a error like "No file selected. Unable to find install package". 

Solutions :

Joomla Patch

The official fix for this is expected to come in Joomla 3.4.1 Version. The issue link above also provides a link to a Patch which can apply on Joomla 3.4 to solve this issue. Alternatively, you can follow the instructions given below. 


Install via Directory
  1. Download Extension Zip file
  2. Unzip it on your PC
  3. Copy unzipped files to tmp folder located in Joomla! root folder on your server (e.g. create a subfolder there: (Joomla! root) tmp/q2cforJ3.4/
  4. Go to your Joomla! administration - Extensions - Extension Manager - Install from Directory (set the folder where you have copied the files - tmp/q2cforJ3.4/ ) - click on Install.
  5. Now the component should be installed.