The latest major release for Shika, our Learning management system (LMS) for Joomla -  version 1.1 introduced 20+ new features and a host of bug fixes and improvements. While we continue to improve on the 1.1x release with minor release, development on the next major release has already started !

Read on to see what you can expect in the next major release - version 1.2. 

This is a high level idea of what features you can expect to see in Shika 1.2.

  1. Exercise (Subjective Quizzes) lesson type supports
  2. Assessment Engine to assess Exercises. Can also be used to assess other lesson types like Events ! Supports Assessment parameters (Rating, textbox, yes/no, checkbox) and weights for parameters. Assessors can also give descriptive reasons for what scores they give against each parameter as well as overall.  
  3. Feedback forms as lesson types. This allows you to take user feedback as part of the course.
  4. Restructuring of Quizzes as a lesson type rather than being a separate option.
  5. Question grouping
  6. Subjective questions in regular quizzes.
  7. Allowing enrollments from backend for paid courses
  8. TJFields integration for courses with Category & field mapping + Course filters
  9. LTI (Learning tools interoperability) lesson type support - stable version

Do let us know your feedback. While we work on this release, you can expect to keep seeing regular releases of the 1.1x series with continuous improvements.